Now completely updated regarding the latest procedures, materials, devices, classification systems, and technologies, A Manual of Orthopaedic Terminology, 9th Edition, is an invaluable reference for anyone who needs access to the most up-to-date terms, acronyms, and codes related to clinical orthopaedics and research. This portable guide allows for quick searches both in print and online, categorizing and cross-referencing terms so that those unfamiliar with orthopaedics can locate a term in its proper context. Unlike a traditional A-Z dictionary format, terms are organized by topic?facilitating faster search results with related terms appearing on the same or immediately adjacent page.
Chapter 1: Classifications of Fractures, Dislocations, and Sports-Related Injuries Chapter 2: Musculoskeletal Diseases and Related Terms Chapter 3: Imaging Techniques Chapter 4: Orthopaedic Tests, Signs, and Maneuvers Chapter 5: Laboratory Evaluations Chapter 6: Casts, Splints, Dressings, and Traction Chapter 7: Prosthetics and Orthotics Chapter 8: Anatomy and Orthopaedic Surgery Chapter 9: The Spine Chapter 10: The Hand and Wrist Chapter 11: The Foot and Ankle Chapter12: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Chapter 13: The Research Enterprise Appendix A: Orthopaedic Abbreviations Appendix B: Anatomic Positions and Directions Appendix C: Etymology of Orthopaedics Bibliography
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