Practical Fracture Treatment has proved to be highly popular amongst junior doctors, orthopaedic trainees and medical students. Now fully revised, it is a well illustrated, step by step account of the treatment of fractures.
1. General Principles 2. Pathology and Healing of Fractures 3. The Diagnosis of Fractures and Principles of Treatment 4. Closed Reduction and Fixation of Fractures 5. Open Fractures: Internal Fixation 6. Factors Affecting Healing: Complications, Pathological Fractures 7. Regional Injuries: The Shoulder Girdle and Humeerus 8. Injuries About the Elbow 9. Injuries to the Forearm Bones 10. The Wrist and Hand 11. The Spine 12. The Pelvis, Hip and Femoral Neck 13. Fractures of the Femur and Injuries About the Knee 14. Fractures of the Tibia 15. Injuries About the Ankle 16. Foot Injuries 17. The Fracture Clinic