Medicolegal Reporting in Orthopaedic Trauma, 3rd edition is a comprehensive guide to the preparation of medicolegal reports. It has been developed to assist the busy medical expert in providing prognostic information following musculoskeletal injuries without having to spend time researching the relevant literature.
In this 3rd edition, the editors have retained the original aim of collating data from world literature, and have supplemented this with the addition of review articles on topics of medicolegal interest such as RSI and VWF.
Medicolegal Reporting in Orthopaedic Trauma, 3rd edition fills the void which has existed in medical literature on the important subject of personal injury litigation, and will be a valuable tool for all orthopaedic surgeons involved in producing medicolegal reports.
The Orthopaedic Surgeons Viewpoint The Legal Viewpoint Recent Developments in the Law and their Effect on Practice The Othopaedic Surgeon in Court
SECTION II Results Following Upper Limb Fractures
The Shoulder The Humerus The Elbow The Forearm The Wrist Hand Injuries
SECTION III Results Following Lower Limb Fractures
The Hip The Femoral Shaft Fractures The Knee The Tibia and Fibula The Ankle The Foot, Including Calcineal Fractures
SECTION IV Results following Fractures of the Axial Skeleton
The Pelvis The Cervical Spine The Thoracolumbar Spine : Assessment Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures and Soft Tissue Injuries Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries Head Injury
SECTION V Miscellaneous Topics Repetitive Strain Injury Soft Tissue Injuries, Including Burns Peripheral Nerve Injuries The Psychological Effects of Trauma Post-Traumatic Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Recognised Arm Conditions and Work Radiology in Medicolegal Practice Vibration White Finger