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Ophthalmology Examinations Review, The (2nd Edition)

Ophthalmology Examinations Review, The (2nd Edition)

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With Contributions FromChelvin Sng (National University Health System, Singapore) & Laurence Lim (Singapore National Eye Centre, Singapore)Latest Edition:: The Ophthalmology Examinations Review (3rd Edition) Many new treatments and diagnostic procedures in ophthalmology have been refined or newly developed during the past four years, a new edition reflecting these changes is most timely.The scope and aim of the book will be consistent with the first edition, which provides a broad review of the specialist ophthalmology examinations for final year ophthalmology residents and trainees. The book deals primarily with key facts and topics that are important from the examination perspective. Only information and facts that are considered relevant and critical to the exams are covered, with topics that may be of scientific interest, but are not commonly tested in exams, specifically left out. Time-challenged readers will also benefit from the knowledge acquired from various other sources or textbooks that are now organized and synthesized in this book. While not meant to replace the standard textbooks, enough information is contained within the book to serve as the main revision text nearer the exams.The style and format of this book is intentionally didactic, with questions and short answers. The answer includes a śmodel opening statement,ť followed first by a classification system to aid organization of facts, and then the core explanation in concise short notes. śExam Tipsť are inserted to provide an insight into techniques of answering different types of questions and when appropriate, a śClinical Approachť section is also included.In the new edition, topics such as new understanding of disease mechanisms (e.g., genetics of eye diseases), new investigations (e.g., OCT), and novel procedures and treatment (e.g., the use of antivascular endothelial growth factors, new refractive surgical techniques) are covered.This book will be a valuable guide to the final year ophthalmology residents and trainees taking the specialist ophthalmology examinations, particularly for exams with a strong oral or viva component. Although primarily aimed at candidates attempting the British postgraduate exams (FRCS, FRANZCO, MRCS, MRCOphth and FRCOphth), it is also useful for other examination systems (e.g., the American Boards). Many junior residents, in fact, find the information handy during grand rounds.
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