This title encourages the ophthalmologist to view the patient as a whole to aid with the differential diagnosis of systemic and ocular signs. It comprehensively covers all systemic diseases associated with the eye. The book is divided into three parts. Part one, lavishly illustrated in full colour, shows different ocular conditions and related signs, and gives the systemic diseases associated with them. Part two covers the differential diagnosis of systemic signs, and is again highly illustrated. Finally, part three links the different ocular and systemic features and signs together. The illustrations are enhanced with brief, bullet-point style text which follows a tightly controlled, consistent format for ease of reference.
Beautifully illustrated with over 500 colour pictures of the highest standard, and organized in an extremely user-friendly fashion, this title will appeal to trainee and practising ophthalmologists and optometrists, and primary care physicians.
The eyelids The orbit The lacrimal gland The conjunctiva The sclera The cornea The anterior chamber The iris The lens Glaucoma The vitreous Vascular fundus lesions Inflammatory fundus lesions Dystrophic fundus changes Retinal detachment The optic nerve Ophthalmoplegia Pupillary abnormalities
Part Two: Differential Diagnosis of Systemic Signs
The face The mouth The skull The neck The hands The skin and hair The joints The lungs The cardiovascular system The GI tract The kidneys The spleen The genitalia Neurological defects Mental retardation