With its enlarged format and new design, this 4th Edition adopts a current evidence-based approach and contains over 40% more references than before. This is the second Pickwells prepared by Professor Evans and its practical, reality-based approach has been retained and enhanced with the use of clinical protocols and new appendices. All diagrams have been replaced and upgraded and together with comprehensive theory that links into to practice, Pickwells 4th Edition is a unique reference for all optometrists, dispensing opticians, ophthalmologists and orthoptists.
Preface to the first edition; Preface to the fourth edition; Nature of binocular vision anomalies; Binocular vision in routine eye examination; Examination of your children; Heterophoria; Evaluation of heterophoria; Binocular instability; Management on heterophoria: basic principles; Esophoric conditions; Exophoric conditions; Hyperphoria; Orthoptic exercises for heterophoria; Anisometropia and aniseikonia; Strabismus; Overview of sensory changes in strabismus; Amblyopia and eccentric fixation; Techniques in the investigation and treatment of concomitant strabismus; An overview of the management of strabismus; Microtropia; Incomitant deviations; Investigation of comitancy; Nystagmus; Appendices and worksheets; Index.