The book provides the reader with the information necessary to appropriately evaluate, diagnose, and clinically manage patients with functional vision disorders such as vergence and accommodative disorders, oculomotor dysfunction, incipient and progessing myopia, and vision disorders related to reading and classroom performance.
MODELS OF NEARPOINT STRESS: Vergence Stress Models; Myopia and Use-Abuse Theory; The Skeffington Nearpoint Stress Model; The Skeffington Model: Adaptations to Nearpoint Stress; Vision, Posture and Spatial Relations; CASE ANALYSIS AND FUNCTIONAL LENS PRESCRIPTION: Case History; Graphical and Fixation Disparity Analysis; Optometric Extension Program Analysis; Alternative Approaches to Lens Prescribing; Efficacy of Low-Plus Lenses; VISUAL SKILLS AND ABILITIES TESTING: Assessment of Eye Movement Ability; Supplementary Tests of Accommodative and Binocular Function; Vision and Learning; VISION THERAPY: Vision Therapy: Models, Approaches, and Principles; Vision Therapy: Procedures and Sequencing; Efficacy of Vision Therapy: APPENDIXES: Recommended Texts and Manuals of Vision Therapy Procedures; Directory of Vision Therapy Equipment Distributors
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