This book constitutes a unique source of hard-copy information on mouse variants and is an essential work of reference for biologists who use mouse genetic strains and variants in their research. The third edition reflects the great expansion of knowledge in the field in recent years, and includes new chapters and data. As in earlier editions, the main chapter provides a catalogue of all known mouse genes. Genetic maps are supported by a large table of data on recombinationfractions.
Rules and guidelines for gene nomenclature; Catalog of mutant genes and polymorphic loci; Retroviral and cancer-related genes; Linkage map; Map of the t-complex; Recombination percentages and chromosomal assignments; Linkage and synteny homologies in mouse and man; DNA polymorphisms; Highly repeated DNA families in the genome of Mus musculus; Rules for nomenclature of chromosome anomalies; Standard normal chromosomes; Chromosomal variants; Maps of chromosomal variants; Rules for nomenclature of inbred strains; Origins and characteristics of inbred strains of mice; The laboratory mouse and its wild relatives; Strain distribution of polymorphic variants; Recombinant inbred strains; Recombinant congenic strains - genetic composition; SSLP/Microsatellite genetic linkage map of the mouse; Principles and methods of transgenic mutagenesis; Subline codes for holders and producers;
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