A ground-breaking text which introduces the theoretical underpinnings and practical considerations of the growing area reablement. With contributions representative of a number of professions including occupational therapy, nursing and social work this book encourages and supports collaborative working. It also offers service user, carer and support worker perspectives, in order to offer a rounded introduction to effective reablement practices.
Acknowledgements.- Contributors.- Preface.- Introduction - Summary of Chapters and Guidance.- Chapter 1 - Reablement:: Shifting minds.- Chapter 2 - The centrality of service users in reablement.- Chapter 3 - Models of reablement service provision.- Chapter 4 - ?Undoing dependence, promoting autonomy.- Chapter 5 - Reablement and support workers [skills].- Chapter 6 - Long term conditions:: Taking control.- Chapter 7 - Psychosocial perspectives of reablement.- Chapter 8 - Technological advances in reablement.- Close - Concluding remarks.
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