Incorporating the newly adopted OT Practice Framework, this market-leading text takes an evidence-based look at children at various ages and stages in development, comprehensively addressing both conditions and treatment techniques in all settings. Users will discover new author contributions, new research and theories, new techniques, and current trends to keep them in step with the changes in pediatric OT practice.
Section 1: Knowledge Base of Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics 1. An Overview of Occupational Therapy for Children - Jane Case-Smith, Pam Richardson, Winifred Schultz-Krohn 2. Teaming - Jane Case-Smith 3. Foundations for Occupational Therapy Practice with Children - Mary Law, Cheryl Missiuna, Nancy Pollack, Debra Stewart 4. Development of Childhood Occupations - Jane Case-Smith 5. Working with Families - Ruth Humphrey, Jane Case-Smith 6. Common Conditions Influencing Childrens Participation - Sandra Rogers
Section 2: Occupational Therapy Evaluation in Pediatrics 7. Purposes, Processes, and Methods of Evaluation - Katherine Stewart 8. Use of Standardized Tests in Pediatric Practice - Pam Richardson
Section 3: Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas 9. Development of Postural Control - Deborah Nichols 10. Development of Hand Skills - Charlotte Exner 11. Sensory Integration - L. Diane Parham, Zoe Mailloux 12. Visual Perception - Colleen Schneck 13. Psychosocial Issues Affecting Social Participation - Debora Davidson 14. Feeding Interventions - Jane Case-Smith 15. Activities of Daily Living and Adaptations for Independent Living - Jayne Shepherd 16. Play - Sue Knox 17. Prewriting and Handwriting Skills - Susan Amundson 18. Assistive Technology: Computers and Augmentative Communication - Yvonne Swinth 19. Mobility - Christine Wright Ott
Section 4: Areas of Pediatric Occupational Therapy Services 20. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - Jan Hunter 21. Early Intervention - Linda Stephens, Susan Tauber 22. Occupational Therapy in Preschool and Childcare Settings - Jane Case-Smith 23. Services for Children with Visual or Auditory Impairments - Elizabeth Snow-Russel 24. Hospital Services - Laura Crooks 25. Pediatric Rehabilitation - Brian Dudgeon 26. Transition Services: From School to Adult Life - Karen Spencer, Susan ODanie