Providing essential knowledge for todays maternal-newborn nursing practice, the new 3rd edition of this practical reference walks readers through the nursing considerations associated with every stage of pregnancy and childbirth. Presented in a concise, outline format, its also ideal as a study guide for those wishing to prepare for certification examinations in maternal-newborn nursing.
Section I: Reproduction: Fetal and Placental Development 1. Reproductive Anatomy, Physiology, and the Menstrual Cycle 2. Genetics 3. Fetal and Placental Development and Functioning Section II: Normal Pregnancy 4. Ethnocultural Considerations in the Childbearing Period 5. Physiology of Pregnancy 6. Psychology of Pregnancy Section III: Maternal Fetal Well-being 7. Age-related Concerns 8. Antepartum Fetal Assessment 9. Environmental Hazards Section IV: Intrapartum Period 10. Essential Forces and Factors in Labor 11. Normal Childbirth 12. Intrapartum Fetal Assessment Section V: Postpartum Period 13. Physical and Psychological Changes 14. Breastfeeding 15. Family Planning Section VI: The Newborn 16. Adaptation to Extrauterine Life and Immediate Nursing Care 17. Newborn Biological/Behavioral Characteristics and Psychosocial Adaptations 18. Risks Associate with Gestational Age and Birth Weight 19. Identification of the Sick Newborn Section VII: Complications of Childbearing 20. Intimate Partner Violence 21. Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy 22. Maternal Infections 23. Hemorrhagic Disorders 24. Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders 25. Trauma in Pregnancy 26. Surgery in Pregnancy 27. Substance Abuse in Pregnancy 28. Other Medical Complications 29. Labor and Delivery at Risk 30. Postpartum Complications Section VIII: Ethics and Issues 31. Ethics
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