Considered by many as the standard for community health nursing, Community and Public Health Nursing continues to provide student and practicing nurses with a foundation of community and public health nursing concepts and interventions for individuals, families, and communities. The unifying approach of this text is an integration of health promotion and disease prevention concepts into the multifaceted role of population-focused, community-oriented nursing practice. Numerous pedagogical features provide an accessible and challenging learning experience. New content in the sixth edition includes additional population-focused clinical examples; increased coverage of primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention; expanded community assessment content; and updated approaches to disaster management in the wake of September 11th . New features include Healthy People 2010 national health objectives and The Cutting Edge boxes that highlight current significant and controversial issues in community health.
Part 1: Perspectives on Health Care and Community-Oriented Nursing 1. Community-Oriented Population-Focused Practice: The Foundation of Specialization in Public Health Nursing 2. History of Public Health and Public and Community Health Nursing 3. Public Health and Primary Health Care Systems and Health Care Transformation 4. Perspectives on International Health Care
Part II: Influences on Health Care Delivery and Community-Oriented Nursing 5. Economics of Health Care Delivery 6. Ethics in Community-Oriented Nursing Practice 7. Cultural Diversity and Community-Oriented Nursing Practice 8. Government, the Law, and Policy Activitism
Part III: Conceptual and Scientific Frameworks Applied to Community-Oriented Nursing Practice 9. Organizing Frameworks Applied to Community-Oriented Nursing 10. Environmental Health 11. Epidemiology 12. Evidence-Based Practice 13. Community Health Education: Theories, Models, and Principles 14. Integrating Multilevel Approaches to Promote Community Health
Part IV: Issues and Approaches in Community-Oriented Health Care 15. Community as Client: Assessment and Analysis 16. Community and Public Health Nursing in Rural and Urban Environments 17. Health Promotion through Healthy Communities and Cities 18. The Nursing Center: A Model of Community-Oriented Nursing Practice 19. Case Management 20. Disaster Management 21. Program Management 22. Quality Management 23. Group Approaches to Practice
Part V: Health Promotion with Target Populations across the Life Span 24. Family Development & Family Nursing Assessment 25. Family Health Risks 26. Child and Adolescent Health 27. Womens Health 28. Mens Health 29. Health of Older Adults 30. The Physically Compromised
Part VI: Vulnerability: Community-Oriented Nursing Issues for the 21st Century 31. Vulnerability & Vulnerable Populations: An Overview 32. Poverty and Homelessness 33. Migrant Health Issues 34. Teen Pregnancy 35. Mental Health Issues 36. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Problems in the Community 37. Violence and Human Abuse 38. Infectious Disease Prevention and Control 39. Communicable and Infectious Disease Risks
Part VII: Community-Oriented Nurses: Roles and Functions 40. Community-Oriented Nurse in Home Health & Hospice 41. The Advanced Practice Nurse in the Community 42. Community-Oriented Nurse Leader & Consultant 43. Community-Oriented Nurse in the Schools 44. Community-Oriented Nurse in Occupational Health 45. Community-Oriented Nurse as Parish Nurse 46. Public Health Nursing at the Local, State and National Levels
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