Nursing is a global, dynamic and changing profession in which there is a substantial and important area of literature which charts nursing knowledge and theory. Through study of the topic it is possible to discern clear phases and themes in this development and to capture the debates as to how this knowledge influences and shapes nursing practice. These three volumes will cover the scope of international publications in nursing knowledge, models and theories and take a critical, retrospective review of these works. The volumes encompass empirical and conceptual works and will cover significant knowledge and key debates in the field, as well as including more contemporary works to signal future trends. The collection is categorised and sorted thematically into three volumes to enable clear navigation and understanding of the material, and an introduction written by the editors frames the set, providing guidance and context.
VOLUME ONE Notes on Nursing:: What It Is and What It Is not - Florence Nightingale The Nature of Nursing:: A Definition and Its Implications for Practice, Research and Education - Virginia Henderson Theory in a Practice Discipline - James Dickoff, Patricia James and Ernestine Wiedenbach Part I:: Practice-Oriented Theory The Role of Research and the Development of Nursing Theory - Jean McFarlane The Discipline of Nursing - Sue Donaldson and Dorothy Crowley Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing - Barbara Carper A Dialectical Examination of Nursing Art - Joy Johnson Integration of Nursing Theory and Nursing Ethics - Michael Yeo Patterns of Knowing - Jill White Review, Critique and Update Middle-Range Nursing Theories Are Necessary for the Advancement of the Discipline - Jacqueline Fawcett Concepts of Caring and Caring as a Concept - Janice Morse et al From a Plethora of Paradigms to Parsimony in Worldviews - Jacqueline Fawcett Empirical Development of a Middle-Range Theory of Caring - Kristen Swanson A Framework for Analysis and Evaluation of Conceptual Models of Nursing - Jacqueline Fawcett Theory - Afaf Ibrahim Meleis Metaphors, Symbols, Definitions Levels of Theoretical Thinking in Nursing - Patricia Higgins and Shirley Moore The Idea of Nursing Science - Steve Edwards Concept Analysis - Lorraine Olszewski Walker and Kay Coalson Avant How not to Clarify Concepts in Nursing - John Paley Problems with Paradigms in a Caring Profession - Jane Robinson VOLUME TWO Reflections on Nursing Practice Science - Dorothea Orem and Susan Taylor The Nature, the Structure and the Foundation of Nursing Sciences The Roper/Logan/Tierney Model - Nancy Roper and Winifred Logan Peplaus Theory of Interpersonal Relations - Hildegard Peplau Kings Theory of Goal Attainment - Imogene King Adaptation - Callista Roy A Conceptual Framework for Nursing Future of the Roy Model - Callista Roy Challenge to Redefine Adaptation A Philosophy of Nursing - Dorothy Johnson The Nature of a Science of Nursing - Dorothy Johnson Neumans Systems Model - Peter Aggleton and Helen Chalmers The Neuman Systems Model - Betty Neuman Reflections and Projections Nursing Science and the Space Age N - Martha Rogers Newmans Theory of Health as Praxis - Margaret Newman Human Becoming - Rosemarie Rizzo Parse Parses Theory of Nursing Culture Care Theory, Research and Practice - Madeleine Leininger The Theory of Human Caring - Jean Watson Retrospective and Prospective Nursing Models - Alison Tierney Extant or Extinct? Re-Reading Nursing and Re-Writing Practice - Davina Allen Towards an Empirically Based Reformulation of the Nursing Mandate The State of Nursing Science - Jacqueline Fawcett Hallmarks of the 20th and 21st Centuries Nursing Theory 25 Years Later - Imogene King Nursing Theory as a Guide to Practice - William Cody VOLUME THREE Nursings Syntax Revisited - Susan Gortner A Critique of Philosophies Said to Influence Nursing Theories Postmodernism and Knowledge Development in Nursing - Jean Watson A Treatise on Nursing Knowledge Development for the 21st Century - Pamela Reed Beyond Postmodernism Behind the Screens - Jocalyn Lawler Nursing, Somology and the Problem of the Body:: Preface and Introduction Evidence-Based Medicine - Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group A New Approach to Teaching the Practice of Medicine Evidence-Based Medicine - David Sackett et al What It Is and What It Isnt What Is the Evidence on Evidence-Based Nursing? An Epistemological Concern - Peter French On Nursing Theories and Evidence - Jacqueline Fawcett et al What Counts as Evidence in Evidence-Based Practice? - Jo Rycroft-Malone et al The Crisis of Professional Knowledge and the Pursuit of an Epistemology of Practice - Donald Schön Framing Learning through Reflection within Carpers Fundamental Ways of Knowing in Nursing - Christopher Johns Reflection - Amanda Burton Nursings Practice and Education Panacea? Excerpt from From Novice to Expert:: Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing Practice - Patricia Benner Clinical Judgement - Patricia Benner and Christine Tanner How Expert Nurses Use Intuition Intelligent Nursing - Mary Purkis and Kristín Björnsdóttir Accounting for Knowledge as Action in Practice Evidence for Practice, Epistemology and Critical Reflection - Mark Avis and Dawn Freshwater The Practice Turn in Nursing Epistemology - Pamela Reed Nursing Praxis and the Science of the Unique - Gary Rolfe Challenging the Atheoretical Production of Nursing Knowledge - Gail Mitchell and Debra Bournes A Response to Reed and Rolfes Column Directions for Nursing Theory Development in the 21st Century - Afaf Ibrahim Meleis The Future of Nursing - Janie Butts, Karen L. Rich and Jacqueline Fawcett How Important Is Discipline-Specific Knowledge? A Conversation with Jacqueline Fawcett What, May I Ask Is Happening to Nursing Knowledge and Professional Practices? What Is Nursing Thinking at This Turn in Human History? - Jean Watson
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