This book provides nurses of all levels with a crash course in law written in clear and straightforward language. It is filled with insightful case studies and thought-provoking activities that demonstrate the relevance of law and how it underpins safe and effective practice. Written explicitly for nurses, the book is an ideal starting point for nurses seeking to better understand the legal obligations they face leaving them better prepared for safe and effective practice. New to this edition Fully updated in light of the revised NMC Code (2015) Expanded analysis and discussion of the law relating to end of life care, withdrawing treatment, DNR and assisted dying Updated to take account of the provisions of the care Act 2014 Discusses the revised fundamental standards in England
Introduction Introduction to law in nursing Principled decision making in nursing Professionalism Equality and human rights Consent to treatment Mental health Protecting the vulnerable adult Consent and children Safeguarding children Negligence Record keeping Confidentiality Health and safety
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