This fourth edition of a highly acclaimed text continues to provide a comprehensive framework for planning, guiding and evaluating learning activities for graduate and undergraduate nursing students in a wide variety of settings. It is a respected resource for clinical faculty that provides proven strategies to maximise clinical learning. This revised edition features expanded content on approaches to meet the clinical learning needs of graduate students, regulatory issues affecting distance education across state lines and the use of social media. It covers establishing and using Dedicated Education Units, the challenges of student access to electronic health records and electronic documentation of care, and reducing the demands of clinical staff members when multiple students rotate through a particular setting. Additionally, the fourth edition provides guidelines for using preceptors, evaluating multimedia and observing students in clinical practise; sample observation guidelines, learning assignments and clinical learning activities; and sample policies for clinical evaluation and adherence to professional conduct standards. The latest revisions of the NCLEX test plan and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials guidelines for graduate and undergraduate nursing education are also included. New to the Fourth Edition:: Two completely new chapters on Developing Clinical Learning Sites and Pedagogical Technologies for Clinical Education Practise tools and guidelines for clinical learning activities Expanded approaches for meeting the clinical needs of graduate students Regulatory issues affecting distance education across state lines Use of social media Discussion of benefits of using Dedicated Education Units and practical suggestions for developing them as clinical teaching sites Important content regarding the NLN CNE Examination Detailed Test Blueprint is highlighted throughout text Challenges of student access to electronic health records Guidelines for using preceptors, evaluating multimedia and student observation Instructors Guide, Syllabi for various course lengths and PowerPoint slides Latest revisions of the NCLEX test plan and the AACN Essentials guidelines Sample observation guidelines, learning assignments and clinical learning activities Sample policies for clinical evaluation and adherence to professional conduct standards