A highly effective and quick way to retain knowledge! Developed to provide busy nurse educators with a proven method for rapidly learning and retaining new information, these sturdy flashcards deliver more than 460 exam-style Q&As* with robust rationales to help nurse educators prepare for the high-stakes certification exam. The flashcards can be used on their own or as a supplement to the prizewinning text, Certified Nurse Educator CNE Review Manual, Third Edition , the only review book to feature a systematic approach to preparing for the CNE exam. Key Features:: Delivers more than 460 top-notch comprehensive exam-style questions Organized and color-coded by exam blueprint topic Packaged in a sturdy carrying box to keep cards organized Designed for standalone use or as a supplement to Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) Review Manual, Third Edition *Derived from Springer Publishing’s Certified Nurse Educator Review app.