Paediatric Nursing Skills for Australian Nurses is the first Australia-focused, dedicated paediatric skills text for undergraduate students. Integrating the theoretical and clinical components of nursing knowledge, the authors outline the clinical skills needed in the care of children and young people. The journey begins with an introduction to communication - an essential skill for any paediatric nurse - before exploring crucial topics such as mental health, nutrition and medication. These discussions are presented in connection with the latest national competency standards for registered nurses to help equip readers with these necessary abilities. Pedagogical features include case studies, clinical tips and reflection questions to encourage active thinking and analysis of key concepts. Each chapter concludes with a set of review questions, a research topic and a list of recommended readings to consolidate student understanding. Paediatric Nursing Skills for Australian Nurses is an essential resource for pre-registered nurses within the Australian paediatric setting.
1. Communicating with children, young people and their families Jennifer Fraser and Clare Davies; 2. Skills for protecting children Robyn Penny and Jennifer Fraser; 3. Paediatric assessment skills Catherine Marron and Elizabeth Forster; 4. Paediatric nursing skills relating to mental health nursing Jennifer Fraser, Lisa Hutchinson, Sarah McDowell and Carla Trudgett; 5. Paediatric nursing skills relating to the adolescent Lisa Hutchinson and Jennifer Fraser; 6. Wound and skin care:: paediatric skills Ibi Patane; 7. Paediatric medication administration Elizabeth Forster, Dianne Maher and Ibi Patane; 8. Paediatric pain assessment and management Elizabeth Forster and Catherine Kotzur; 9. Paediatric neurological skills Elizabeth Forster and Meg Caughlan; 10. Paediatric nursing skills:: respiratory Elizabeth Forster and Loretta Scaini-Clarke; 11. Paediatric nursing skills:: cardiovascular Elizabeth Forster, Ruth McCaffery and Deborah Pegg; 12. Paediatric nursing skills:: supporting breastfeeding Elizabeth Forster and Bridget Roache; 13. Evidence based paediatric fluid balance and nutrition Nicola Brown and Janet Green; 14. Evidence based paediatric nursing skills relating to elimination Ibi Patane and Elizabeth Forster.
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