Community nursing is the fastest growing area of nursing practice in Australia. This book offers an engaging introduction to the theory, skills and application of community and primary health care. Based on the Social Model of Health, An Introduction to Community and Primary Health Care explores how social and environmental factors impact healthcare in Australian communities. It discusses the principles of health and mental health promotion, the importance of cultural competence and the practice of community needs assessment. The book is divided into three parts - theory, skills and health professionals in practice. This latter section is unique to this book and encourages students to consider how various nursing roles address issues of social justice, equality and access. Readable and highly practical, An Introduction to Community and Primary Health Care equips students with the theory, skills and understanding they will need as community and primary healthcare professionals working across Australia.
Part I. Theory: 1. The social model of health Diana Guzys and Nick Arnott; 2. Health promotion Diana Guzys, Vanessa Robertson, Gabrielle Canfield and Eileen Petrie; 3. Working with or in the community Diana Guzys; 4. Primary health care and health care reform Rebecca OReilly, Lynda Jarvis and Diana Guzys; 5. Interprofessional practice Diana Guzys; 6. Cultural competence Eileen Petrie and Diana Guzys; Part II. Skills: 7. Community needs assessment Diana Guzys; 8. Program planning, implementation and evaluation Diana Guzys and Sandi Grieve; 9. Health education Diana Guzys; 10. Empowering individuals Diana Guzys; 11. Case management Eileen Petrie, Susan Reid and Diana Guzys; 12. Risk assessment and safety Eileen Petrie and Diana Guzys; Part III. Community and Primary Health Care Roles: 13. Community health nursing Susan Reid, Diana Guzys and Eileen Petrie; 14. Community mental health nursing Gylo Hercelinskyj and Eileen Petrie; 15. Maternal, child and family health nursing Anne Hepner, Barbara Hanna and Kim Hyde; 16. Primary school nursing Leona Evans, Andrea Scott and Diana Guzys; 17. Secondary school nursing Diana Guzys and Marisa Monagle; 18. Youth health nursing Marisa Monagle; 19. Womens health nursing Susan Reid, Eileen Petrie and Diana Guzys; 20. Mens health nursing Dean Hyland, Eileen Petrie and Diana Guzys; 21. Sexual health nursing Diana Guzys; 22. Alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) nursing Dean Hyland and Eileen Petrie; 23. Indigenous health nursing Wayne Rigby and Basseer Jeeawody; 24. Nursing culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities Basseer Jeeawody and Eileen Petrie; 25. Chronic condition nursing Denise Johnston, Diana Guzys and Eileen Petrie; 26. Rural health nursing Sandi Grieve and Eileen Petrie; 27. Occupational health nursing Gail MacVean and Eileen Petrie; 28. Practice nursing Diana Guzys; 29. Home-based nursing Sandi Grieve and Eileen Petrie; 30. Working with people who have a disability Nick Arnott.