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Foundations of Nursing: An Integrated Approach
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Dr. Ray Higginson, Senior Lecturer in Critical Care, University of Glamorgan.
This book successfully takes a biomedical approach to understanding nursing care, which provides a solid foundation of knowledge. The related activities integrated into the text to facilitate learning also help to place the theory into a real world environment.
Anne Waugh, Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Care, Napier University.
Whilst focusing on the Foundation of Nursing, this engaging and creatively written book illustrates the amazing diversity and complexity of nursing in the 21st Century. Its wide reaching content is presented in a variety of modes that facilitate reflection, critical thinking and foster practical application. As such this book provides nursing students with a comprehensive resource from which to develop the knowledge and evidence base expertise required to become a qualified nurse.
Dawn Freshwater, Professor and Head of School, University of Leeds, Editor Journal Psychiatric mental health nursing
Anatomy and Physiology in Action - These are great, really useful. The explanations are simple, and easy to understand. The diagrams in the book that are anatomy and physiology related are again, clear and easy to understand... The learning objectives, give clear information as to the content of the chapter and what the student can expect to gain from reading the chapter.I would happily recommend this book (to) my fellow students... I would also be happy to recommend this book to any one considering starting their nurse training, and would be more than happy to recommend it to my personal tutor and suggest that it is added to the reading list.
Joanne Starkes, 2nd year Nursing Student, Bournemouth University, UK
I think that these (scenarios) are useful because they make the information less theoretical by relating it to a person and following through their medical journey, making it easier to read than a block of more generalised text... I find this style of writing easy to follow as the sections are not too big and they are broken up with bullet points, pictures and information boxes... I would recommend this book to other students - particularly people like myself who struggle with big blocks of texts and books that assume you know everything.
Claire McHugh, Student Nurse, Southampton University, UK
The large section on the nurses role is fantastic as it will give anyone who is just starting out on the path to becoming a nurse a great insight into this very important role... I found the exercises and small quizzes throughout the book very useful and believe that they would be a good source for revision for students. I was particularly impressed with the inclusion of chapters on the learning disability, mental health and child branches as these are often left out of general nursing books.
Vicky Bain, Nursing Student
This comprehensive foundation textbook uniquely combines anatomy and physiology with nursing theory and professional issues to present a unified approach to patient care and the modern nurses role. Using an array of pedagogy, the text applies theory to practice taking a student-friendly approach designed to help improve clinical effectiveness and successfully integrate your nursing knowledge. Key features include::
With over 250 themed boxes, covering the application of theory into practice, essential A&P, professional reflection and evidence-based care, the text asks you to consider how to improve practices and procedures. Includes over 40 patient Scenarios such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute myocardial infarction, each identifying best practice for the most common clinical presentations. Multiple-choice quizzes at the end of each chapter assist learning, revision and development of professional portfolios.Includes a chapter on each of the different nursing branches to provide valuable insight into key areas of the nursing role.Chapters on first aid, pharmacology and drug calculations help instil confidence in these vital but notoriously difficult areas.This core text is essential reading for all student nurses on the journey to become fit to practice!Visit www.openup.co.uk/foundationsofnursing to access online learning resources to accompany Foundations of Nursing:: an Integrated Approach. This includes PowerPoint slides, multiple-choice questions and video interviews with the author and a Patient Relations manager.
- Rok wydania
- 2008
- Numer wydania
- 1
- Oprawa
- twarda
- Liczba stron
- 404
- Wymiary (mm)
- 190 x 240
- Waga (g)
- 1
- Table of contents
Part 1: The Role of the Nurse
1.The role of the nurse
Part 2: Body Systems
3.The respiratory system
3.Blood and the cardiovascular system
4.The nervous system
5.The renal system
6.The gastrointestinal system
7.The musculoskeletal system
8.The reproductive system
10. The immune/lymphatic and endocrine systems
11. The senses
Part 3: Nursing in Practice
12. The child and the childrens act
13. Preconceptions and the reality of mental illness
14. Preconceptions and the reality of learning disabilities
15. First Aid knowledge and skills
16. Pharmacology and Drug Calculations
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