The fifth edition of this highly popular text offers a lucid and readable account of ethical issues affecting nurses and other health care practitioners, which will be of value throughout their careers. Nursing ethics offers a highly practical approach with a direct focus on ethical issues that might be encountered by health practitioners in training, in practice and in management. It is also interactive and case-based, encouraging readers to reflect on their current and future areas of practice. The concluding chapters discuss the role of moral theory and give practical models for ethical decision-making. The authors have developed a holistic approach that explores:: ethics in hospital and community settings, inter-disciplinary teamwork, ward and hospital management, nursing research, performance management and the political ethics of nursing administration, health service re-structuring and reform. The content has been substantially revised for this edition and significant new material added to reflect developments in theory and practice.
INTRODUCTION Ethics in nursing - continuity and change
PART 1 Cultural issues, methods and approaches to nursing ethics
1. Nursing ethics: historical, cultural and professional perspectives 2. Nursing ethics - what do we mean by ethics?
PART 2 Socialisation, professionalisation and nursing values
3. Becoming a nurse and member of the profession 4. Power and responsibility in nursing practice and management 5. Professional responsibility and accountability in nursing
PART 3 Nursing ethics - issues in clinical practice
6. Classical areas of controversy in nursing and biomedical ethics 7. Direct responsibility in nurse/patient relationships 8. Conflicting demands in nursing groups of patients
PART 4 Ethics in nursing management, research and teaching
9. Ethics in healthcare management: research, evaluation and performance management 10. The political ethics of healthcare: health policies and resource allocation 11. Corporate ethics in healthcare: strategic planning and ethical policy development
PART 5 Ethical decision-making and moral theory
12. Making moral decisions and being able to justify our actions 13. The relevance of moral theory: justifying our ethical policies
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