Nursing and the Law is the best known and most established health law textbook on Australia. The only law text written specifically for nurses, the new 5th edition of Nursing and the Law has been fully revised and updated, and includes and discusses current statutes and legislation for every state and territory. Mary Chiarella joins Patricia Staunton in the new edition of Nursing and the Law which retains many of the features that has kept this book at the forefront of nursing education.
Preface Table of abbreviations Chapter One: Introduction to the law Chapter Two: The relationship between law & ethics Chapter Three: Negligence & vicarious liability Chapter Four: Consent to treatment Chapter Five: The contract of employment Chapter Six: The administration of drugs Chapter Seven: Report writing: Confidentiality of and access to Patients records Chapter Eight: Professional regulation of nursing practice Chapter Nine: The Coroners court Chapter Ten: Human tissue transplantation Chapter Eleven: Mental health Index
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