Management is now part of the diploma nursing curriculum, and an essential subject for qualified nurses. This book looks at changes in the NHS, both current and anticipated, and in the indpendent sector, and explains why new organisational structures and systems are being developed. It focuses on day-to-day issues for nurses and health care workers and gives appropriate theoretical background and examples of application of theory. It will be essential reading for the Management module of the final year of nurse education, and a comprehensive reference tool for newly qualified staff, to help lessen the anxiety of their first post. For post-registration students on management courses, this is the one text which links management issues to the nursing context.
Organisations and Their Management. The Health Services. Their Macrostructure and Microstructure. Managing Care in Nursing: Conflicting Philosophies?. Purchasers and Providers: the Internal Market Explained. Decision Making and Problem Solving. Change in the NHS: Strategies and Prospects. Financing the National Health Service. A Financial Directors Perspective. Human Resource Management Within the NHS. Quality and Standards
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