Known for its comprehensive, readable, consistent format, as well as its coverage of pediatric and geriatric patients, this practical text and reference presents principles for managing complex patient care in the home environment. It addresses the medical conditions most commonly seen by the home care nurse in the context of the theoretical foundations of home health nursing. Patient education - a vital element of home care - is incorporated throughout. This edition features new chapters on oncology home care, social services for a home care patient, and innovative holistic nursing strategies. It also highlights HIPAA regulations related to home care, new trends in the growing area of telehealth, and content about disaster planning as it relates to people in their homes.
Part I. Concepts of Home Care Nursing 1. Home Care Nursing Practice: Historical Perspectives and Philosophy of Care 2. Understanding Home Care: Applying Theory to Clinical Practice 3. The Role of the Home Care Nurse and Orientation Strategies 4. Caring for Families in the Home 5. Developing the Plan of Care and Documentation 6. Infection Control in the Home 7. Patient Education in the Home 8. Legal and Ethical Issues in Home Care 9. Case Management and Leadership Strategies in Home Care 10. Quality Patient Care
Part II. Clinical Application 11. The Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 12. The Patient with Chronic Heart Failure 13. The Ventilator-Dependent Patient 14. The Patient with Chronic Wounds 15. The Patient with Diabetes 16. The Patient with Bladder Dysfunction 17. The Patient with Neurological Dysfunction 18. The Patient with AIDS 19. The Patient with Cancer (new)
Part III. Special Clinical and Community Issues 20. The Patient Receiving Home Care Rehabilitation Services 21. The Patient Receiving Home Care Social Services (new) 22. The Patient Receiving Home Infusion Therapies 23. Maternal Child Nursing: Postpartum Home Care 24. The Mental Health Patient 25. The Elderly Patient 26. The Hospice and Palliative Care Patient 27. Managing Home Environmental Threats and Safety in the Community
Part IV. Future Trends 28. From Telehealth to Telecare: Implications for Clinical Practice 29. Complementary Therapies and Home Care Nursing Practice 30. Developing Nursing Strategies that Transcend Time, Distance, and Space (new)
Epilogue. Reconsidering Caring in the Home
Appendix. Laboratory Values
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