Changes in society affect health services and the individuals who work in and use them. As a result, the contribution of the social and behavioural sciences sociology, social policy and psychology to a holistic understanding of nursing is being increasingly acknowledged. Nursing courses reflect this contribution, yet it is often difficult for students to see the connections between these three related disciplines and their relevance to nursing. This is the first textbook which clearly explains and integrates these important areas and while emphasising their relevance and applications to nursing care.
Section 1:: Society, health and illness, introduces sociological theory and shows how social factors impact on health Section 2:: Organisation and delivery of health and social care, introduces how social policy effects nursing, the provision of caring services and the effects which policy has on peoples experiences of and access to health and health care Section 3:: The individual and health care, outlines the contribution which psychology makes to our understanding of people and their responses to health and illness.
The book clearly links to the health needs of client groups which students are likely to encounter including older adults, children, families, women and men. It also addresses key contemporary themes in health such as inequalities, demographics, and the move from hospitals to community based care. Throughout the book, case studies, examples and questions illustrate the ideas and apply them to nursing and health care. This allows readers to relate the issues to their own experiences and encourages reflection on practice, as well as stimulating debate on these often problematic issues. The aim is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the issues which underpin sensitive nursing care.
All nursing and health care students at both diploma and degree level will find this book a stimulating and invaluable aid to understanding the social and behavioural sciences and their relevance to nursing.
SECTION 1 ORGANISATION and DELIVERY of HEALTH CARE: Introduction to Social Policy. Development of Health Care in the United Kingdom. The Politics and Economics of Health Care. Comparative Health. SECTION 2 SOCIETY, HEALTH and ILLNESS: Introduction to Sociology. Social Phenomena in Health Care. Inequalities in Health and Health Care. Anti-Discriminatory Practice in Health Care. Social Construction of Illness. SECTION 3 the FAMILY and HEALTH CARE: the Family. The Developing Individual in the Family. 1. The DevelopingIndividual in the Family. 2. Community and Community Care. SECTION 4 the INDIVIDUAL and HEALTH CARE: Introduction to Psychology. The Individual and Group Behaviour. Communication and Professional/Client Relationships. Deviance in Health Care. SECTION 5 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSES to HEALTH CARE, Individual Differences. Stress and Coping. Responses. Psychological Therapies.
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