Learn how to provide safe, effective nursing care for patients receiving drug therapy! Clayton’sBasic Pharmacology for Nurses, TwentiethEdition helps you understand the principles of pharmacology and apply them to nursing practice. This text explains how to make informed decisions about drug therapy, educate patients, and administer medications. This edition adds enhanced coverage of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model to prepare you for the critical thinking questions on the Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) exam. Concise and easy to use, this essential resource helps you master the basics of medication administration and drug actions.
UNIT I: Introduction to Pharmacology 1. Basic Principles of Pharmacology 2. Drug Actions Across the Life Span 3. The Nursing Process and Pharmacology 4. Patient Education to Promote Health
UNIT II: Medication Administration 5. Principles of Medication Administration and Medication Safety 6. Percutaneous Administration 7. Enteral Administration 8. Parenteral Administration: Safe Preparation 9. Parenteral Administration: Intradermal, Subcutaneous, and Intramuscular 10. Parenteral Administration: Intravenous
UNIT III: Drugs Affecting Neurologic Disorders 11. Drugs Affecting the Central and Peripheral Nervous System 12. Drugs Used to Treat Neurodegenerative Disorders 13. Drugs Used to Treat Seizure Disorders 14. Drugs Used to Treat Headaches 15. Drugs Used to Treat Pain: Focus on Opioids
UNIT IV: Drugs Affecting Psychiatric Disorders 16. Drugs Used to Treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 17. Drugs Used to Treat Substance Use Disorders 18. Drugs Used to Treat Schizophrenia 19. Drugs Used to Treat Depressive and Bipolar Disorders 20. Drugs Used to Treat Anxiety Disorders 21. Drugs Used to Treat Sleep Disorders
UNIT V: Drugs Affecting Cardiovascular Disorders 22. Drugs Used to Treat Dyslipidemias 23. Drugs Used to Treat Hypertension 24. Drugs Used to Treat Arrhythmias 25. Drugs Used to Treat Angina Pectoris 26. Drugs Used to Treat Peripheral Vascular Disease 27. Drugs Used to Treat Thromboembolic Disorders 28. Drugs Used to Treat Heart Failure
UNIT VI: Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System 29. Drugs Used to Treat Upper Respiratory Disease 30. Drugs Used to Treat Lower Respiratory Disease
UNIT VII: Drugs Affecting the Digestive System 31. Drugs Used to Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux and Peptic Ulcer Disease 32. Drugs Used to Treat Nausea and Vomiting 33. Drugs Used to Treat Constipation and Diarrhea
UNIT VIII: Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System 34. Drugs Used to Treat Diabetes Mellitus 35. Drugs Used to Treat Thyroid Disease
UNIT IX: Drugs Affecting the Reproductive System 36. Drugs Used in Obstetrics 37. Drugs Used in Men’s and Women’s Health
UNIT X: Drugs Affecting Other Body Systems 38. Drugs Used to Treat Urinary System Disorders 39. Drugs Used to Treat Glaucoma and Other Eye Disorders 40. Drugs Used to Treat Cancer 41. Drugs Used to Treat Musculoskeletal Disorders 42. Drugs Used to Treat Immune and Inflammatory Disorders
UNIT XI: Drugs Used to Treat Infections 43. Drugs Used to Treat Bacterial Infections 44. Drugs Used to Treat Viral Infections 45. Drugs Used to Treat Fungal Infections
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