The skills required by childrens nurses are many and varied, and are undertaken ina variety of settings. Sick children are cared for at home, in childrens units and hospitals, and sometimes in adult wards. In addition, children with disabilities may need nursing care while at special schools or in residential settings. This book provides a clinical manual of common procedures in childrens nursing. Each practice is research based, and discussed within a framework which examines:: Objectives, Rationale, Factors to note, Guidelines, Positioning, Equipment, Method, Special observations and possible, Complications, References and further reading. The guidelines have been written specifically for childrens nursing by contributors from well-known childrens units and are not simply adaptations from adult practices. All hospital and community nurses dealing with children, whether in a specialised unit or an adult unit, which also admits children, will find this book of great practical help.
SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION: Child Development: BriefOutline Covering 0 -16 Years. Introduction to Specialist Areas: Accident and Emergency, Residential Care, Community Nurse, Hospital Care: Medical, Surgical, the Critically Ill Child, the Unconscious Child, the Handicapped Child, the Small Baby, theChild with Altered Immunity: Oncology, AIDS, Congenital SECTION 2 the PRACTICES: Active and Passive Exercises. Administration of Medicines (Local Anaesthesia, Oral, Rectal, PCA, Injections (IM and SC) IV Drugs, Nurse Prescribing. Aseptic Technique: Careof Wounds, Removal of Sutures and Clips, Care of Burns. Blood Glucose Estimation. Bone Marrow Aspiration. Bowel Care: Enema, Suppositories, Washouts, and Manual Evacuation. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Central Venous Pressure. Chest Aspiration: Careof Intercostal Tubes, Removal of Tubes. Child Abuse: Presenting Symptoms, Referral to Guidelines. Ear Care: Mopping, Syringing, Instillation of Drops. Emergency Admission of Acutely Ill Infant/Child. External Ventricular Drainage. Eye Care: Irrigation, Instillation of Drops. Feeding: Infant, Toddler, Oro/Nasogastric, Gastrostomy, Sham Feeds. Fits: Care of Child Having a Fit. Gastric Aspiration and Lavage. Hygiene, Baby and Child: General, Hair, Mouth Care. Incubator Care. Intravenous Infusions: Blood, Platelet, Intravenous Feeding. Intravenous Long Lines: Care Of. Isolation Nursing. Last Offices. Lumbar Puncture. Nasal Packing and Removal of Packs. Nasopharyngeal Suction. Nebulisers. Neurological Examination: Observations and Paediatric ComaScale. Oxygen Therapy: Cannula and Head Box. Pain Assessment: Use of Pain Scales. Phototherapy. Plaster Care. Post Operative Care: Day/In Patients. Preoperative Care: Day/In Patient. Pressure Areas: Care Of. Removal of Drains: Specimen Collection: Urine...MSU, Suprapubic, Catheter, Nasopharyngeal Aspirate, Nose and Throat Swabs, Stools, Bloods. Stoma Care, Urine and Bowel. T EpidSponging. Traction: Application of Skin Traction, Care of Traction. Tracheostomy Care. Urinary Catheterisation, Bladder Irrigation, Suprapublic Aspiration. Venepuncture and Cannulation. Ventilator Care and CPAP for the Long Term Care, Not the Acutely Sick. Ventricular Tap. Vital Signs (BP, Apex and Pulse, Respiration, Temperature, Oxymetry), NormalValues for Each Age Group APPENDICES: Informed Consent. Safety. Play...Distraction. Parental Participation/Education