Reinforce your understanding of medical-surgical nursing concepts and skills! With chapters corresponding to the chapters in Stromberg’s Medical-Surgical Nursing:: Concepts and Practice, Sixth Edition, this study guide provides a variety of exercises to help you master the role of the LPN/LVN. Review questions help you understand terms and apply concepts to patient care settings, and realistic activities provide practice with critical thinking and clinical judgment skills. Next Generation NCLEX-PN® (NGN)-style practice questions and case studies ensure that you will be ready to pass the NGN exam.
Unit I: Medical-Surgical Nursing Settings 1. Caring for Medical-Surgical Patients 2. Critical Thinking, Clinical Judgment, and the Nursing Process
Unit II: Medical-Surgical Patient Care Problems 3. Fluid, Electrolytes, Acid-Base Balance, and Intravenous Therapy 4. Care of Preoperative and Intraoperative Surgical Patients 5. Care of Postoperative Surgical Patients 6. Infection Prevention and Control 7. Care of Patients with Pain 8. Care of Patients with Cancer 9. Chronic Illness and End-of-Life Care
Unit III: Immune System 10. The Immune and Lymphatic Systems 11. Care of Patients with Immune and Lymphatic Disorders
Unit IV: Respiratory System 12. The Respiratory System 13. Care of Patients with Disorders of the Upper Respiratory System 14. Care of Patients with Disorders of the Lower Respiratory System
Unit V: Hematologic System 15. The Hematologic System 16. Care of Patients with Hematologic Disorders
Unit VI: Cardiovascular System 17. The Cardiovascular System 18. Care of Patients with Hypertension and Peripheral Vascular Disease 19. Care of Patients with Cardiac Disorders 20. Care of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease and Cardiac Surgery
Unit VII: Neurologic System 21. The Neurologic System 22. Care of Patients with Head and Spinal Cord Injuries 23. Care of Patients with Brain Disorders 24. Care of Patients with Peripheral Nerve and Degenerative Neurologic Disorders
Unit VIII: Sensory System 25. The Sensory System: Eye 26. The Sensory System: Ear
Unit IX: Gastrointestinal System 27. The Gastrointestinal System 28. Care of Patients with Disorders of the Upper Gastrointestinal System 29. Care of Patients with Disorders of the Lower Gastrointestinal System 30. Care of Patients with Disorders of the Gallbladder, Liver, and Pancreas
Unit X: Musculoskeletal System 31. The Musculoskeletal System 32. Care of Patients with Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders
Unit XI: Urinary System 33. The Urinary System 34. Care of Patients with Disorders of the Urinary System
Unit XII: Endocrine System 35. The Endocrine System 36. Care of Patients with Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Adrenal Disorders 37. Care of Patients with Diabetes and Hypoglycemia
Unit XIII: Reproductive System 38. The Reproductive System 39. Care of Females with Reproductive Disorders 40. Care of Males with Reproductive Disorders 41. Care of Patients with Sexually Transmitted Infections
Unit XIV: Integumentary System 42. The Integumentary System 43. Care of Patients with Integumentary Disorders and Burns
Unit XV: Emergency and Disaster Management 44. Care of Patients in Disasters or Bioterrorism Attacks 45. Care of Patients with Emergent Conditions, Trauma, and Shock
Unit XVI: Mental Health Nursing of the Adult 46. Care of Patients with Cognitive Function Disorders 47. Care of Patients with Anxiety, Mood, and Eating Disorders 48. Care of Patients with Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders 49. Care of Patients with Thought and Personality Disorders
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