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Midwifery Preparation for Practice
Includes EAQ Midwifery Preparation for Practice 5e PACK
Wybierz Paczkomat Inpost, Orlen Paczkę, DPD lub Pocztę Polską. Kliknij po więcej szczegółów
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Jeżeli jesteś konsumentem możesz zwrócić towar w ciągu 14 dni. Kliknij po więcej szczegółów
Now in its 5th edition Midwifery Preparation for Practice continues to present a global model of midwifery best practice that is supported by a range of examples from the Australian, New Zealand and international midwifery contexts.Endorsed by the Australian College of Midwives and the New Zealand College of Midwives the text continues to reinforce the established principles of midwifery philosophy and practice - that of midwives working in partnership with women, in woman-centred models or midwife-led care. This focus is what sets this text apart from other physiology-based midwifery texts, making it a highly valued resource for students and practicing midwives alike. The highly esteemed team of editors once again lead a group of internationally recognised leaders in midwifery to share their knowledge and expertise in midwifery practice, education, research and regulation across Australia, New Zealand and internationally.
- Rok wydania
- 2023
- Numer wydania
- 5
- Oprawa
- twarda
- Book 1:
1. The Australian and New Zealand context
2. Contemporary Australian and New Zealand midwifery and maternity services
3. Human rights in childbirth
4. Fear and risk
5. Sustainability and environmental health care
6. Midwifery as primary health
7. Birth place and birth space
8. Ways of looking at evidence and measurement
9. Social and environmental determinants of womens health
10. Midwives working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women
11. Locating Maori as Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa (New Zealand) in the Midwifery Partnership
12. Options for women around fertility and reproduction
13. Professional frameworks for practice in Australia and New Zealand
14. Legal frameworks for practice in Australia and New Zealand
15. Ethical Frameworks for practice
16. Supporting midwives, supporting each other
17. Midwifery partnership
18. Working in collaboration
19. Promoting physiological birth
Book 2:
20. Overview of reproductive physiology
21. Nutrition and physical activity foundations for pregnancy, childbirth and lactation
22. Screening and assessment
23. Working with women in pregnancy
24. Applied physiology for labour and birth
25. Supporting women in labour and birth
26. Working with pain in labour
27. Using water for labour and birth
28. Perineal care and repair
29. Overview of physiological changes during the postnatal period
30. Supporting women becoming mothers
31. Supporting the newborn
32. Supporting the breastfeeding mother
33. Pharmacology and prescribing
34. Contraception
35. Womens psycho-social health and wellbeing
36. Variations in normal
37. Challenges in pregnancy
38. Disturbances in the rhythm of labour
39. Interventions in pregnancy, labour and birth
40. Life-threatening emergencies
41. Complications in the post-natal period for the mother
42. The compromised neonate
43. Grief and loss during childbearing -- the crying times
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