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Stories in Midwifery

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Stories in Midwifery

Stories in Midwifery

Reflection, Inquiry, Action

272,11 zł
231,29 zł Zniżka 40,82 zł Brutto
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Stories in Midwifery 2nd edition presents an insightful collection of personal stories as told by a range of women, midwives, students, health professionals and family members. This unique resource offers midwifery students and practicing midwives an extraordinary perspective on a range of topics related to birthing and midwifery, including continuity of care, perinatal mental health, complex pregnancies, homebirth, and assisted reproductive techniques, among others.

Available as a print or digital version this valuable resource builds empathy and understanding, and provides examples of innovative approaches to woman-centred care with a focus on reflection, inquiry and action. The teaching and learning strategies assist in developing skills, attitudes and mindfulness for working in partnership with women in various settings including the home, community, hospitals, clinics and birth centres.

Most importantly, Stories in Midwifery provides a much-needed consumer voice for women, their families, and their midwives.

Szczegóły produktu


Rok wydania
Numer wydania
miękka foliowana
Liczba stron
Wymiary (mm)
189 x 246
  • Chapter 1: Continuity of midwifery care
    Chapter 2: Homebirth
    Chapter 3: Vaginal breech birth
    Chapter 4: Having a baby in your 40s
    Chapter 5: Grand multiparity
    Chapter 6: Rural and remote midwifery
    Chapter 7: Caesarean section
    Chapter 8: Same-sex parenting
    Chapter 9: Young mothers
    Chapter 10: Indigenous mothers and midwives
    Chapter 11: Fathers
    Chapter 12: Multiple pregnancy
    Chapter 13: Perinatal mental health
    Chapter 14: Complex pregnancies
    Chapter 15: Grief and loss
    Chapter 16: Assisted reproductive techniques
    Chapter 17: Vaginal birth after caesarean section
    Chapter 18: Privately practising midwives

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Stories in Midwifery
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