Content review Case studies NCLEX(R)-style questions Too much information? Too little time? Heres everything you need to succeed in your maternal-newborn nursing course and prepare for course exams and the NCLEX(R). Succinct content reviews in outline format focus on must-know information, while case studies and NCLEX-style questions develop your ability to apply your knowledge in simulated clinical situations. A 100-question final exam at the end of the book as well as two, 75-item comprehensive examinations online at provide the practice you need to feel confident about maternal-newborn content. Youll also find proven techniques and tips to help you study more effectively, learn how to approach different types of questions, and improve your critical-thinking skills. An access code inside new printed texts unlocks the questions online at DavisPlus, with answers and rationales for correct and incorrect responses. You can even design your own quizzes to test your knowledge and skills based on specific content areas, client need categories, cognitive level, and phases of the nursing process.
Unit 1. Human Reproduction 1. Anatomy and Physiology of Female and Male Reproduction Systems 2. Infertility 3. Genetics 4. Conception and Fetal Development Unit II. Care of the Woman Across the Life Span 5. Contraception 6. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 7. Disorders of the Breast 8. Gynecological Disorders Unit III. Antepartum 9. Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy 10. Prenatal Care 11. Maternal Nutrition 12. Assessment of Fetal Well Being 13. Antepartum at Risk Unit IV. Intrapartum 14. Process of Labor and Birth 15. Nursing Care During Labor and Birth 16. Labor and Birth at Risk Unit V. Postpartum 17. Nursing Care of the Postpartum Woman 18. Postpartum at Risk Unit VI. Newborn 19. Newborn Adaptation 20. General Assessment and Care of the Newborn 21. The At-Risk Newborn 22. Newborn at High Risk Unit VII. Review 23. Comprehensive Final Examination Appendix A. Putting it All Together Case Study Answers Appendix B. Bibliography
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