An official publication of the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), Perinatal Nursing, Fourth Edition presents up-to-date information based on the most rigorous evidence and offers suggestions for best practices. This new edition of the authoritative, comprehensive text used by perinatal nurses worldwide features a wealth of new content to keep practice current. You’ll reach for this highly practical resource for:: expanded coverage of high-risk pregnancy, from bleeding in pregnancy to preterm labor and birth, diabetes, cardiac disease, pulmonary complications, multiple gestation, and maternal-fetal transport. And, you'll expertly manage today's broader scope of perinatal nursing with . . . an all-new chapter on obesity in pregnancy covers risks to the mother and fetus, care from preconception to postpartum, as well as bariatric surgery. And, an expanded chapter on newborn nutrition includes new sections on the infant feeding decision, benefits of breastfeeding, nutritional components, and preterm milk and lactation. New chapters related to patient safety and the development of a highly reliable perinatal unit, inform nurses how to conduct team training and drills for obstetric emergencies, create checklists, and effectively handoff patients. Two experienced perinatal nurses team with the prestigious Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses and more than 70 contributors and reviewers for an unbiased perspective. You’ll know the best evidence and latest standards for all areas of your perinatal practice by drawing on a wealth of wisdom gathered into the brand new edition of AWHONN’s Perinatal Nursing, 4th edition.
CONTENTS Chapter 1 - Perinatal Patient Safety and Professional Liability Issues Perinatal High Reliability Leadership Shared Philosophy of Care Professional Behavior Common Areas of Liability and Patient Harm in Clinical Practice Conflict Resolution Team Training and Drills for Obstetric Emergencies Patient Handoffs Checklists Medical Record Documentation Incident Management Methods of Measuring Patient Safety Perinatal Patient Safety Nurses Summary Chapter 2 - Integrating Cultural Beliefs and Practices When Caring for Childbearing Women and Families Cultural Frameworks and Cultural Assessment Tools Practices Associated with Childbearing Gender Roles Childbirth Pain and Culture Major Cultural Groups Health Differences in Populations of Childbearing Women Barriers to Culturally Competent Care Techniques to Integrate Culture into Nursing Care Summary Chapter 3 - Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy Hormones and Other Mediators Cardiovascular System Respiratory System Renal System Gastrointestinal System Metabolic Changes Endocrine System Immune System Integumentary System Reproductive Organs Chapter 4 - Antenatal Care Preconception Care Prenatal Care Prenatal Risk Assessment Ongoing Prenatal Care Fetal Surveillance Nursing Assessment and Interventions Summary Chapter 5 - Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy Classification and Definitions Significance and Incidence Morbidity and Mortality Risk Factors Prevention Strategies Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia Clinical Manifestations of Preeclampsia–Eclampsia Preeclampsia versus Severe Preeclampsia Nursing Assessment and Interventions for Preeclampsia HELLP Syndrome Eclampsia Summary Chapter 6 - Bleeding in Pregnancy Significance and Incidence Definitions and Clinical Manifestations Nursing Interventions Summary Chapter 7 - Preterm Labor and Birth Significance and Incidence Late Preterm Births Early Term Births Why Has the Rate of Preterm Birth Increased? What Is Preterm Labor? Pathophysiology of Preterm Labor and Birth Risk Factors for Preterm Labor and Birth Preterm Birth Risk in the Context of the Life Course Can Preterm Labor and Birth Be Prevented? Is There Any Good News? Nursing Care for the Prevention of Preterm Birth Intrapartum Nursing Care of the Woman in Preterm Labor Summary Chapter 8 - Diabetes in Pregnancy Significance and Incidence Definitions and Classification Pathophysiology of Diabetes in Pregnancy Screening and Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Clinical Manifestations Nursing Assessments and Interventions for Diabetes Mellitus Ambulatory and Home Care Management Timing and Mode of Birth Inpatient Management Postpartum Management Summary Chapter 9 - Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy Significance and Incidence Cardiovascular Physiology Cardiac Adaptations of Pregnancy Obstetric Outcomes and Assessment of Risk Congenital Heart Disease in Pregnancy Acquired Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy Clinical Management Nursing Care Summary Chapter 10 - Pulmonary Complications in Pregnancy Anatomic and Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy That Affect the Respiratory System Recognizing Respiratory Compromise Fetal Surveillance with Maternal Pulmonary Complications Asthma Pneumonia Influenza and H1N1 Pulmonary Edema Amniotic Fluid Embolism Venous Thromboembolism Cystic Fibrosis Special Considerations for the Respiratory System in Pregnancy Summary Chapter 11 - Multiple Gestation Epidemiology Physiology of Twinning Role of Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technology Diagnosis of Multiple Gestations Maternal Adaptation Perinatal Complications Antepartum Management Intrapartum Management Postpartum Management Multiple Birth Infants Psychologic Issues with Multiple Gestations Multiple Birth Resources and Support Organizations Summary Chapter 12 - Obesity in Pregnancy Significance and Incidence Obesity Related Risks to the Mother and Fetus Preconception Care Antenatal care Intrapartum care Intraoperative care Postpartum Care Bariatric Surgery and Pregnancy Summary Chapter 13 - Maternal-Fetal Transport EMTALA Types of Maternal-Fetal Transport Mode of Transport Transport Equipment Transport Personnel Transport Plan and Patient Preparation Summary Chapter 14 - Labor and Birth Overview of Labor and Birth Emotional and Physical Support during Labor and Birth Clinical Interventions for Women in Labor Vaginal Birth Cesarean Birth Summary Chapter 15 - Fetal Assessment during Labor Historical Perspectives Definitions and Appropriate Use of Terms Describing Fetal Heart Rate Patterns Techniques of Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring Physiologic Basis for Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring Characteristics of the Normal Fetal Heart Rate Interventions for Indeterminate or Abnormal Fetal Heart Rate Patterns Fetal Heart Rate Patterns Clinical Implications for Monitoring the Fetus Less than 32 weeks Gestation during Labor Assessment of Pattern Evolution Ancillary Methods for Assessing Fetal Acid-Base Status Nursing Assessment and Management Strategies Issues in the Use of Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring During Labor Summary Chapter 16 - Pain in Labor: Nonpharmacologic and Pharmacologic Management Physiologic Basis for Pain Psychosocial Factors Influencing Pain Perception The Nonpharmacologic Model The Pharmacologic Model Summary Chapter 17 - Postpartum Care Planning for the Transition to Parenthood Anatomic and Physiologic Changes during the Postpartum Period Individualizing Care for Women with Special Needs Postpartum Learning—Needs Assessment and Education Psychological Adaptation to the Postpartum Period Fatigue Family Transition to Parenthood Postpartum Discharge Follow-up Evaluation of Postpartum Services Summary Chapter 18 - Newborn Adaptation to Extrauterine Life Maternal Medical and Obstetric Conditions Influencing Newborn Adaptation Unique Mechanisms of Newborn Physiologic Adaptation APGAR Score Physical Assessment Newborn Identification Vitamin K Eye Prophylaxis Umbilical Cord Care Psychological Adaptation Complications Affecting Transition Hepatitis B Summary Chapter 19 - Newborn Physical Assessment Gestational Age Assessment Skin Assessment Head Assessment Eye Assessment Ear Assessment Nose Assessment Mouth Assessment Neck Assessment Chest and Lung Assessment Cardiovascular Assessment Abdominal Assessment Genitourinary System Musculoskeletal Assessment Neurological Assessment Summary Chapter 20 - Newborn Nutrition Infant Feeding Decision Benefits of Breastfeeding Incidence of Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Promotion Physiology of Milk Production Biospecificity of Human Milk Nutritional Components Preterm Milk and Lactation Breastfeeding Process Breastfeeding Management Potential Breastfeeding Problems Medications and Breastfeeding Postpartum Surgery and Breastfeeding Formula Feeding Lactation Suppression Summary Chapter 21 - Common Neonatal Complications Neonatal Resuscitation and Stabilization Respiratory Distress Congenital Heart Disease Hypoglycemia Hyperbilirubinemia Neonatal Sepsis Perinatal Human Immune Deficiency Infection Neonatal Substance Exposure Late Preterm Infants Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Transport and Return Transport Summary APPENDIX Item Bank Questions and Answer Key
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