Workforce Planning for Midwifery Services explores the principles and problems in workforce planning for midwifery care. It focuses specifically on Birthrate, a method of workforce planning developed specifically for midwifery services by the author herself. The book incorporates the methodology of Birthrate as a foundation and includes data and experience gained from working in different health authorities with varying patterns of midwifery care. It provides a hands-on practical guide to workforce planning for midwifery services in both hospital and community settings.
Foreword; Acknowledgements; Introduction; The development of workforce planning systems; How birthrate was developed as a method for assessing client need for midwifery care during intrapartum care; How to the birthrate system; Using case-mix data to determine the number of beds needed; Using case-mix data to determine the number of beds needed; Using case-mix data as a basis for calculating ward staffing needs and antenatal clinics; Assessing staffing needs for community services and working through implications of developing caseload based practice; Managing change; Glossary; References; Appendices:: Birthrate score sheet; Assessing allowances for holiday sickness and study leave; Formula for calculating midwife hours per case; Rationale for travel allowances in different locations; Assessing midwife hours per annum; Index
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