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1.1 Women, midwives, partnership and power 1.2 Conflicting ideologies as a source of emotion work in midwifery 1.3 Advice on advice 1.4 Developing a maternity unit visiting policy 1.5 Handle with care! 1.6 Protecting the public - from me 1.7 The landscape of caring for women:: a narrative study of midwifery practice 1.8 Midwives:: praise and beyond Topics for further reflection
SECTION 2 Focus on.The Birthing Environment
2.1 How women choose where to give birth 2.2 Home birth:: a social process, not a medical crisis 2.3 Home birth:: safe as houses? 2.4 The influence of maternity units intrapartum intervention rates and midwives risk perception for women suitable for midwifery-led care 2.5 Birth centres:: a success story 2.6 Defining and developing the birth centre 2.7 Improving the birthing environment (parts 1 and 2) Topics for further reflection
SECTION 3 Pregnancy
3.1 Tell me a story 3.2 Getting parent education right 3.3 Fears and feelings in second-time pregnancy 3.4 Womens needs from antenatal care in three European countries 3.5 Womens experiences of unexpected ultrasound findings 3.6 TTP and me 3.7 A guide to less common antenatal blood tests 3.8 The assisted conception pregnancy 3.9 Asking the question:: antenatal domestic violence 3.10 Preventing infant allergies Topics for further reflection
SECTION 4 Focus On . Women, Midwives and Risk
4.1 Blood transfusion:: the hidden dangers 4.2 Coagulation disorders (1) Deep vein thrombosis:: breaking the silence 4.3 Coagulation disorders (2) Pulmonary embolism 4.4 An early warning system for pre-eclampsia Topics for further reflection
SECTION 5 Labour and Birth
5.1 Births that taught me important lessons 5.2 Unlocking the potential for normality 5.3 Lambs to the slaughter 5.4 Water:: what are we afraid of? 5.5 Routine cord blood gas analysis:: an overreaction? 5.6 Need to know:: vaginal birth after caesarean (part 1) 5.7 Need to know:: vaginal birth after caesarean (part 2) 5.8 Does pethidine relieve pain? 5.9 More than a cuddle:: skin-to-skin contact is key 5.10 To cut or not to cut? 5.11 Smile for your sphincter Topics for further reflection
SECTION 6 Focus On . Holistic Health
6.1 Ice massage for the reduction of labor pain 6.2 Float like a butterfly. yoga and birth 6.3 Giving birth on the beach:: hypnosis and psychology 6.4 A time to bloom 6.5 Ginger:: an essential oil for shortening labour? 6.6 Rebirthing birth Topics for further reflection
SECTION 7 Life After Birth
7.1 The golden orb of the postnatal period:: a midwifes role in the process of integrating a renewed self story in a mother following birth 7.2 Lets ban water torture 7.3 Cochrane made simple:: topical umbilical cord care at birth 7.4 Dont mention the B word! 7.5 Maternal breastfeeding positions:: have we got it right? (1) 7.6 Maternal breastfeeding positions:: have we got it right (2) 7.7 A randomised controlled trial in the north of England examining the effects of skin-to-skin care on breast feeding 7.8 Expression of love 7.9 Breastfeeding peer support in Doncaster Topics for further reflection
SECTION 8 Focus on. Working / International Stories
8.1 Empowering women in Nagorno-Karabakh 8.2 Birth and death in Sierra Leone 8.3 Caring for mama and pikinini in Papua New Guinea 8.4 On mission with Médecins Sans Frontičres 8.5 Contraception Education in Brazil 8.6 Home Thoughts from Abroad Topics for further reflection
SECTION 9 Stories and Reflection
9.1 A midwife reborn 9.2 Lets be realistic 9.3 The birth of Nuno 9.4 Sitting in judgement:: a personal reflection 9.5 Managing cord prolapse at a home birth 9.6 Celebrating the art of midwifery 9.7 Four labours and a Mars Bar 9.8 There is a foot! 9.9 An education in training 9.10 Midwifing my daughter, receiving my grandson 9.11 Spreading some magic
Indeks: 83755
Autor: Peter L. Stern
Biology and Immunology