A multi-contributed book which collates and highlights the relevant research (in an accessible way) relating to current issues in midwifery, thereby advancing thinking on where the profession is going (especially in relation to Changing Childbirth (93), and how it will proceed. It will be challenging, controversial, but essential reading for midwives.
The Concept of Continuity--What Does It Mean? Gay Lee. Continuity and Choice in Practice: A Study of a Community Based Team Midwifery Scheme, Elizabeth R. Perkins and Judith Unell. Choice in the Face of Uncertainty, Helen Stapleton. Willing Handmaidens of Science?: The Struggle Over the New Midwife in Earlier Twentieth Century England, Brooke V. Heagerty. Support and Control in Labour: Doulas and Midwives, Diane Walters and Mavis J. Kirkham. Control for Black and Minority Ethnic Women: A Meaningless Pursuit, Euranis Neile. Midwives and Debriefing, Pauleene Hammett. Midwives Coping: Thinking About Change, Mavis J. Kirkham. Stories and Childbirth, Elizabeth R. Perkins.
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