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Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing, 10th Edition
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Awarded Second place in the 2020 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Nursing Management and Leadership Category and selected by Doody’s as a Core Title in Administration/Management
The best-selling leadership and management text available for nursing education programs, Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing:: Theory and Application, 10th Edition, combines the latest evidence-based content and a proven experiential approach to prepare students for success as they advance to join the professional nursing workforce.
Robust coverage and hundreds of active learning exercises help students overcome the temporary disadvantage of a lack of real-world leadership experience and meet the demands of today’s challenging, ever-changing healthcare system. From managing conflict and working collaboratively to organizing patient care and staffing, students vicariously experience the responsibilities of mid- and top-level nursing managers and hone their critical-thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills before entering high-stakes clinical settings.
This landmark 10th Edition reflects the most current practices and clinical priorities in nursing leadership and management, including updated coverage of quality and safety, the influence and use of technology, workplace violence, change management and more. An array of accompanying student and instructor resources helps you make the most of your course and ensure students’ success throughout their nursing education.
The best-selling leadership and management text available for nursing education programs, Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing:: Theory and Application, 10th Edition, combines the latest evidence-based content and a proven experiential approach to prepare students for success as they advance to join the professional nursing workforce.
Robust coverage and hundreds of active learning exercises help students overcome the temporary disadvantage of a lack of real-world leadership experience and meet the demands of today’s challenging, ever-changing healthcare system. From managing conflict and working collaboratively to organizing patient care and staffing, students vicariously experience the responsibilities of mid- and top-level nursing managers and hone their critical-thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills before entering high-stakes clinical settings.
This landmark 10th Edition reflects the most current practices and clinical priorities in nursing leadership and management, including updated coverage of quality and safety, the influence and use of technology, workplace violence, change management and more. An array of accompanying student and instructor resources helps you make the most of your course and ensure students’ success throughout their nursing education.
- Updated content equips students with the latest clinical practices and perspectives in quality and safety, the influence and use of technology, healthy workplaces, workplace violence/incivility, quality measurement/benchmarking, healthcare reform/reimbursement, change management, interprofessional teams and more.
- New evidence-based case studies prepare students to confidently address the growing opioid crisis.
- More than 280 learning exercises challenge students to apply concepts to a range of practice situations and healthcare settings.
- Examining the Evidence features in each chapter familiarize students with new research findings, evidence-based practice and best practices in leadership and management.
- Break-Out Comments reinforce key ideas at a glance.
- Content Crosswalks tie chapter content to the latest AACN, AONL, QSEN and ANA standards and competencies to clarify and emphasize clinical relevance.
- A detailed instructor’s manual on thePoint helps you make the most of the active learning exercises in your classroom.
Szczegóły produktu
- Rok wydania
- 2020
- Numer wydania
- 10
- Oprawa
- miękka foliowana
- Liczba stron
- 776
- Wymiary (mm)
- 180 x 255
- Waga (g)
- 1225
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