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Teaching in Nursing
A Guide for Faculty
Wybierz Paczkomat Inpost, Orlen Paczkę, DPD, Pocztę, email (dla ebooków). Kliknij po więcej
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Winner of the prestigious AJN Book of the Year award, Teaching in Nursing is a key resource in the dynamic structure and function of preparing the nurses of the future for teaching careers. Faculty must be conditioned to look forward and teach in new ways; diversity of students, curriculum development, redesigning of health care systems, and information and technology advances are just a few of the growing challenges that facing those who choose to instruct. This result is largely due to the editors standing in the nursing community and their ability to secure only the very best contributors.
This is only 3-in-1 nursing education resource available! While most other texts address only one component of teaching, Teaching in Nursing covers three-teaching, curriculum, and evaluation. It provides comprehensive, contemporary guidelines to help instructors meet the day-to-day challenges of teaching. Instructors will also find the guidance they need to ensure that their teaching practices reflect the evolving health care environment. The authors reference current literature in nursing education, as well as the classics in nursing, education, and other fields.
Judy Halstead chairs the task force on Development of Nurse Educator Competencies for the National League for Nursing, and is on the front line of influencing the trends in teaching education. Dr. Halstead is also the program evaluator for the CCNE. Both Drs. Halstead and Billings serve on the NLN Think Tank for Nursing Education and are frequently sought as educational consultants.
This is only 3-in-1 nursing education resource available! While most other texts address only one component of teaching, Teaching in Nursing covers three-teaching, curriculum, and evaluation. It provides comprehensive, contemporary guidelines to help instructors meet the day-to-day challenges of teaching. Instructors will also find the guidance they need to ensure that their teaching practices reflect the evolving health care environment. The authors reference current literature in nursing education, as well as the classics in nursing, education, and other fields.
Judy Halstead chairs the task force on Development of Nurse Educator Competencies for the National League for Nursing, and is on the front line of influencing the trends in teaching education. Dr. Halstead is also the program evaluator for the CCNE. Both Drs. Halstead and Billings serve on the NLN Think Tank for Nursing Education and are frequently sought as educational consultants.
Szczegóły produktu
- Rok wydania
- 2004
- Numer wydania
- 2
- Oprawa
- twarda
- Liczba stron
- 640
- Wymiary (mm)
- 191 x 235
- Waga (g)
- 976
1. Teaching in Nursing: The Faculty Role
Linda M. Finke, PhD, RN
2. The Diverse Learning Needs of Students
Virginia Richardson, DNS, RN, CPNP
3. The Academic Performance of Students: Legal & Ethical Issues
Elizabeth G. Johnson, DSN, RN,
Judith A. Halstead, DNS, RN
4. Teaching Students with Disabilities
Betsy Frank, PhD, RN,
Judith A. Halstead, DNS, RN
5. Curriculum Development: An Overview
Nancy Dillard, DNS, RN,
Linda Siktberg, PhD, RN
6. Forces and Issues Influencing Curriculum Development
Joanne Rains Warner, DNS, RN
7. Philosophical Foundations of the Curriculum
Judie Csokasy, PhD, RN
8. Curriculum Designs
Donna L. Boland, PhD, RN,
Linda M. Finke, PhD, RN
9. Developing Curriculum: Frameworks, Outcomes, and Competencies
Donna L. Boland, PhD, RN
10. Selecting Learning Experiences to Achieve Curriculum Outcomes
Pam Jeffries, DNS, RN
11. Service Learning: Developing Values and Social Responsibility
Carla Mueller, PhD, RN
12. From Teaching to Learning:
Theoretical Foundations
Melissa Vandeveer, PhD, RN, PNP
13. Strategies to Promote Critical Thinking
and Active Learning
Connie J. Rowles, DSN, RN, CNAA
14. Improving Teaching and Learning: Classroom Assessment Techniques
Connie J. Rowles, DSN, RN, CNAA
15. Teaching in a Clinical Setting
Lillian Stokes, PhD, RN,
Gail Kost, MSN, RN
16. The Learning Resource Center
Kay E. Hodson-Carlton, EdD, RN, FAAN, Pamela J. Worrell-Carlisle, PhD, RN
17. Using Media, Multimedia, and Technology-Rich Learning Environments
Enid Errante Zwirn, PhD, MPH, RN
18. Teaching and Learning at a Distance
Charlene E. Clark, MEd, RN, FAAN,
Roy W. Ramsey, EdD, RN
19. Teaching and Learning in Online Learning Environments
Judith A. Halstead, DNS, RN, Diane M. Billings, EdD, RN, FAAN
20. The Evaluation Process: An Overview
Mary P. Bourke, PhD (c), RN,
Barbara A. Ihrke, PhD, RN
21. Strategies for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Jane M. Kirkpatrick, MSN, RN,
Diann DeWitt-Weaver, DNS, RN, Lillian Yaeger, EdD, RN,
22. Developing and Using Classroom Tests
Prudence Twigg, PhD(c), RN, APRN-BC
23. Clinical Performance Evaluation
Wanda Bonnel, PhD, RN
24. Educational Program Evaluation
Marcia Sauter, DNS, RN
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