Provides nurses of all levels with a crash course in law, helping them to better understand the legal obligations they face, and leaving them better prepared for safe and effective practice. Written in clear and straightforward language, the book covers issues such as equality and human rights, confidentiality, negligence, disability, children’s rights and mental health. It is also supported by insightful case studies and thought-provoking activities that demonstrate the relevance of law to nursing and how it underpins practice. New to this edition:: · Fully mapped to the latest NMC standards of proficiency for registered nurses (2018) · New chapter covering death, dying and organ donation · Updated to take account of the Deprivation of Liberty Act · New content covering GDPR, Social Media and Safeguarding of Adults and Children
Chapter 1:: Introduction to law in nursing Chapter 2:: Principled decision making in nursing Chapter 3:: Professionalism Chapter 4:: Equality and human rights Chapter 5:: Consent to treatment Chapter 6:: Mental health Chapter 7:: Protecting the vulnerable adult Chapter 8:: Consent and children Chapter 9:: Safeguarding children Chapter 10:: Negligence Chapter 11:: Record keeping Chapter 12:: Confidentiality Chapter 13:: Health and safety
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