Covering the issues, themes and principles that explain what it means to be a nurse today, this book provides the theory students need to know and applies it to the diverse patient groups and settings that students will encounter on their placements. Key features of the book are:: It introduces the core aspects of adult nursing An evidence-based approach with discussion of literature, policy and research and suggested further reading for every chapter Over 30 c ase studies to help students understand the realities of practice across a range of settings including primary care and the community Stop and think boxes which challenge assumptions and encourage reflection A companion website with sample questions for lecturers to use in seminars, multiple choice questions for student revision and free SAGE journal articles The book has been closely mapped to the NMCs 2018 Standards for Proficiency, Education and Training and supports students across their entire degree programme as they develop into nurses of the future ready to deliver and lead care.
Part One Chapter 1:: Chapter Essentials of Nursing:: Values, Knowledge, Skills and Practice - Joanne Timpson, Elizabeth Lee-Woolf and Jane Brooks Chapter 2:: Nursing Therapeutics - Caroline Jagger, Healther Iles-Smith and Dianne Burns Chapter 3:: Fundamental Aspects of Adult Nursing - Dianne Burns, Mark Cole and Penelope Stamford Chapter 4:: Interprofessional and Multidisciplinary Team Working - Jean Rogers and Sarah Booth Chapter 5:: Medicines Management - Julie Gregory and Charlotte Middleton Chapter 6:: Evidence-based Practice and the Importance of Research - Ann Wakefield and Nicola Olleveant Chapter 7:: Clinical Decision Making - Mary Cooke Chapter 8:: Leadership and Management - Dianne Burns Chapter 9:: Developing Practice and Managing Change - Dianne Burns Part Two Chapter 10:: Supporting and Promoting Health - Helen Davidson, Karen Iley and Susan Ramsdale Chapter 11:: Specialist care of the older person - Emma Stanmore and Christine Brown Wilson Chapter 12:: Caring for Adults with Long-Term Conditions - Judith Ormrod and Dianne Burns Chapter 13:: Caring for the Acutely Ill Adult - Paul Tierney and Julie Gregory Chapter 14:: Caring for the Critically Ill Adult - Samantha Freeman, Colin Steen and Greg Bleakley Chapter 15:: The Provision of Effective Palliative Care for Adults - John Costello Chapter 16:: Managing the Transition to Registered Nursing Practice - Karen Heggs and Samantha Freeman
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