Living With Dementia challenges how we currently think about and understand dementia. Rather than viewing people with dementia as passive receivers of care, it provides a welcome focus on their own agency, how they can live as active members of their community and enjoy life.
1. Introduction:: from empty vessel to active agents Lars-Christer Hydén & Eleonor Antelius .- 2. Towards a Phenomenological Conception of the Subjectivity of Dementia Lisa Folkmarson Käll .- 3. Dementia in the Age of Migration:: cross-cultural perspectives Eleonor Antelius .- 4. Citizenship-in-and-as-Practice:: a framework for improving life with dementia Ann-Charlotte Nedlund & Ruth Bartlett .- 5. Pathways within Dementia Diagnosis Charlotta Plejert, Danielle Jones & Elizabeth Peel .- 6. Communication and Collaboration in Dementia Anna Ekström, Camilla Lindholm, Ali Reza Majlesi & Christina Samuelsson .- 7. Storytelling in Dementia:: collaboration and common ground Lars-Christer Hydén .- 8. Dementia as a Chronic Illness:: maintaining involvement in everyday life Ingrid Hellström & Annika Taghizadeh Larsson .- 9. Home is Somewhere In-Between Passage:: the stories of relocation to a residential home by persons with dementia Parvin Poormamali .- 10. Self-help, Mutual Support and Advocacy:: peers getting together Linda Örulv .
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