Updated to promote ultra-quick access to current information NPs need daily. Now in its second edition, this reference guide for nurse practitioners and other health care providers in emergency, medical, screening, fast track, and/or geriatric settings continues to provide ultra-quick access to key assessment and management information. The Pocket NP delivers a wealth of information for assessment and management of the most-commonly encountered problems in fast-track settings. Arranged in a logical head-to-toe format, it includes the history, physical examination, and essential medical decision-making considerations needed to walk you step-by-step through a typical patient encounter. New to the Second Edition:: Updated medical decision-making sections with documentation templates Updated pharmacology and drug administration information New ultrasound dictation templates for each section where it is performed New tables including eye chart for vision in trauma patients New ultrasound images New line drawings depicting various conditions Updated clinical guidelines Key Features:: Provides ultra-quick access to patient treatment information Offers easy-to-use framework for quickly locating critical knowledge Presents templates for identifying normal and abnormal presentations Delivers content in logical head-to-toe format Includes time-tested Tips and Don't Miss boxes with bullet points of critical information Provides anatomic illustrations that assist in diagnosis/management of conditions Contains billing information