Consultants and contributers
Alphabetical signs and symptoms
1. Abdominal distention
2. Abdominal mass
3. Abdominal pain
4. Abdominal rigidity
5. Alopecia
6. Amenorrhea
7. Amnesia
8. Analgesia
9. Anhidrosis
10. Anorexia
17. Babinskis reflex
18. Back pain
19. Battles sign
20. Bladder distention
21. Blood pressure, decrease
22. Blood pressure, increase
23. Bowel sounds, absent
24. Bowel sounds, hyperactive
25. Bradycardia
26. Bradypnea
33. Capillary refill time, increased
34. Carpopedal spasm
35. Chest expansion, asymmetrical
36. Chest pain
37. Cheyne-Stokes respirations
38. Chills
39. Chvosteks sign
40. Clubbing
41. Confusion
42. Conjunctival injection
51. Decerebrate posture
52. Decorticate posture
53. Deep tendon reflexes, hyperactive
54. Depression
55. Diaphoresis
56. Diarrhea
57. Diplopia
58. Dizziness
59. Dysarthria
60. Dyspepsia
64. Earache
65. Edema, generalized
66. Edema, arm
67. Edema, facial
68. Epistaxis
69. Erythema
70. Eye pain
71. Fasciculations
72. Fatigue
73. Fever
74. Flank pain
75. Fontanel bulging
76. Gag reflex, abnormal
77. Gallop, atrial (S4)
78. Genital lesions in the male
79. Gum bleeding
80. Gynecomastia
81. Halitosis
82. Headache
83. Hearing loss
84. Hematemesis
85. Hematochezia
86. Hematuria
87. Hemoptysis
88. Homans sign
89. Hyperypnea
90. Hyperthermia
93. Impotence
94. Insomnia
95. Intermittent claudication
96. Jaundice
97. Jaw pain
98. Jugular vein distention
99. Kernigs sign
100. Leg pain
101. Level of consciousness, decreased
102. Lymphadenopathy
103. Melena
104. Mouth lesions
105. Murmurs
106. Muscle spasm
107. Muscle spasticity
108. Muscle weakness
109. Myoclonus
110. Nausea
111. Neck pain
112. Nipple discharge
113. Nuchal rigidity
114. Ocular deviation
115. Oliguria
116. Orthopnea
117. Pallor
118. Palpitations
119. Papular rash
120. Paralysis
121. Paresthesia
122. Photophobia
123. Pleural friction rub
124. Pruritus
125. Pulse pressure widened
126. Pulse rhythm abnormality
130. Respirations, grunting
131. Respirations, shallow
132. Respirations, stertorous
133. Retractions, costal and sternal
134. Rhonchi
135. Scrotal pain
136. Scrotal swelling
137. Seizure, generalized tonic-clonic
138. Skin, clammy
139. Skin, mottled
140. Splenomegaly
141. Stridor
142. Syncope
143. Tachycardia
144. Tachypnea
145. Taste abnormalities
146. Throat pain
147. Tinnitus
148. Tracheal deviation
149. Tremors
150. Trousseaus sign
151. Turners sign
152. Urinary frequency
153. Urinary incontinence
154. Urticaria
155. Vertigo
156. Vision loss
157. Visual blurring
158. Vomiting
159. Vulvar lesions
160. Weight gain, excessive
161. Weight loss, excessive
162. Wheezing
Appendices:: Toxic drug-drug interactions
Dangerous drug-herb interactions
Potential agents of bioterrorism
Selected References