In this issue of Neurosurgery Clinics, guest editors Drs. Robert J. Dempsey and Michael M. Haglund bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Global Neurosurgery. Top experts in the field cover the delivery of neurosurgical care in a variety of settings, discussing topics such as worldwide need and disparities; medical curriculum development for a worldwide curriculum for neurosurgery; continuing medical education for graduates; key partners in global health; bioengineering in global health; and much more.
An Overview of Global Neurosurgery The Role of Policy in Global Neurosurgery Neurosurgical Advocacy in the Prevention of Neural Tube Defects: Impacting Global Fortification Policies Through Leadership, Collaboration, and Stakeholder Engagement Partnering in Global Health: What Is a Successful Dyad? The Duke Experience Education and Training in Global Neurosurgery: Current State and Path Toward a Uniform Curriculum Continuing Education for Global Neurosurgery Graduates: Visiting Surgeons, Skills Teaching, Bootcamps, and Twinning Programs Establishing Microsurgery Skills Laboratories in Low- and Middle-income Countries with Integrated Remote Teaching: A Novel Approach Partnering with Foundations, Philanthropy, and Universities with Programs Supported by Local Physicians and Eventually Local Physicians Taking Ownership Nongovernmental Organizations in Global Neurosurgery: Foundation for International Education in Neurological Surgery and Solidarity Bridge Engineering Principles and Bioengineering in Global Health Global Partnerships in Neurosurgery: Mapping the Need Postgraduate Fellowships, Distant Continuing Education, and Funding in Neurosurgical Education Training the Next Generation of Academic Neurosurgeons in Global Health, Academics, and Research
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