Develop essential problem-solving strategies for providing individualized, effective neurologic care! Under the leadership of Rolando Lazaro, Umphred’s Neurological Rehabilitation, Eighth Edition, covers the therapeutic management of people with activity limitations, participation restrictions, and quality-of-life issues following a neurological event across the lifespan. This comprehensive reference provides foundational knowledge and addresses the best evidence for examination tools and interventions commonly used in todays clinical practice. It applies a time-tested, evidence-based approach to neurological rehabilitation that is perfect for both the classroom and the clinic.
Section 1: Foundations for Clinical Practice in Neurological Rehabilitation 1. Foundations for Clinical Practice in Neurological Rehabilitation 2. Movement Analysis Across the Life Span 3. Contemporary Issues and Theories of Motor Control, Motor Learning, and Neuroplasticity 4. The Limbic Network: Influence Over Motor Control and Learning 5. Psychosocial Aspects of Adaptation and Adjustment During Various Phases of Neurological Disability 6. Differential Diagnosis of the Patient with a Neurological Condition 7. Examination and Evaluation of Functional Movement Activities, Body Functions and Structures, and Participation 8. Interventions for Individuals with Movement Limitations
Section 2: Physical Rehabilitation Management of Individuals with Neurologic System Pathology 9. Neonatal Medical and Developmental Challenges: NICU Management and Follow-up 10. Management of Clinical Problems of Children with Cerebral Palsy 11. Genetic Disorders: A Pediatric Perspective 12. Learning Disabilities and Developmental Coordination Disorder 13. Spina Bifida: A Neural Tube Defect 14. Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury 15. Neuromuscular Diseases 16. Beyond the Central Nervous System: Neurovascular Entrapment Syndromes 17. Multiple Sclerosis 18. Disorders of the Basal Nuclei 19. Cerebellar Dysfunction 20. Balance Dysfunction 21. Vestibular Dysfunction 22. Traumatic Brain Injury 23. Concussions 24. Movement Dysfunction Associated with Hemiplegia 25. Brain Tumors 26. Inflammatory and Infectious Disorders of the Brain 27. Aging, Dementia, and Disorders of Cognition
Section 3: Neurological Disorders and Application Issues 28. Special Focus Topics 1: Selected Medical Conditions 29. Special Focus Topics 2: Reframing Selected Intervention Strategies 30. Disorders of Vision and Visual-Perceptual Dysfunction 31. Cardiovascular and Pulmonary System Health in Populations with Nervous System Disorders 32. Pain Management 33. Electrophysiological Testing and Electrical Stimulation in Neurological Rehabilitation 34. Orthotics: Evaluation, Intervention, and Prescription 35. Health and Wellness in Neurologic Populations 36. Management of Chronic Impairments in Individuals with Nervous System Conditions 37. Pharmacology in Neurologic Rehabilitation 38. Medical Imaging in Neurologic Rehabilitation 39. Integrating Technology in Neurologic Rehabilitation 40. Role of Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Neurologic Diseases and Movement Disorders
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