We are delighted to present to you the brand new Atlas of Epileptic Seizures and Syndromes . This practice-oriented manual gives you helpful and stimulating guidelines on how to classify epileptic seizures and epilepsy syndromes in individual patients. EEG tracings are correlated with clinical features , etiology and specific diagnosis of the type of seizure. An abundance of colour line diagrams pinpoint the localisation of the disordered brainwaves.
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298 x 235
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A.Introduction B.Classification of epileptic seizures Dichotomy Nomenclature Seizure lateralization Seizure evolution Principles of the classification of epileptic seizures IElectrical stimulation Primary motor area Frontal eye field Primary somatosensory area Supplementary sensorimotor area Negative motor area Primary visual area Primary auditory area Speech area Angular gyrus of the dominant hemisphere Auditory and visual association areas Insular region Anterior cingulate gyrus Rectal gyrus D.Relation between symptomatogenic zone and seizure semiology E.Epileptic seizures F.Seizure classification I Seizure type Epileptic seizure Aura a.Somatosensory aura b.Visual aura c.Auditory aura d.Olfactory aura e.Gustatory aura f.Psychic aura g.Abdominal aura h.Autonomic aura Autonomic seizure Dialeptic seizure Motor seizure 5.1Simple motor seizure a.Myoclonic seizure b.Tonic seizure c.Epileptic spasm d.Clonic seizure Tonic-clonic seizure Versive seizure 5.2Complex motor seizure a.Hypermotor seizure b.Automotor seizure c.Gelastic seizure Special seizure a.Atonic seizure b.Astatic seizure c.Hypomotor seizure d.Akinetic seizure e.Negative myoclonic seizure f.Aphasic seizure Paroxysmal events IISomatotopic localisation IIISeizure evolution G.Relation between epileptic seizures and epileptic syndromes H.Epileptic syndromes I.Classification of epileptic syndromes and paroxysmal events A.Epilepsy 1.Focal epilepsy a.Temporal lobe epilepsy aa.Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy ab.Neocortical temporal lobe epilepsy bFrontal lobe epilepsy ba.Supplementary sensorimotor area epilepsy c.Peri-rolandic epilepsy d.Parieto-occipital lobe epilepsy e.Rasmussens syndrome f.benign epilepsy of childhood 2.Generalised epilepsy a.absence epilepsy b.juvenile myoclonic epilepsy c.grand mal epilepsy d.West syndrome e.Lennox-Gastaut syndrome f.Progressive myoclonus epilepsy B.Sporadic seizures (gelegenheitsanfalle) 1.Febrile seizures 2.Situation related seizures 3.Isolated seizures C.Paroxysmal events J.Etiology 1.Symptomatic epilepsy syndromes 2.Idiopathic epilepsy syndromes 3.Unknown K. Cases L.Graphic symbols for subdural recordings M.References Index