This book is a comprehensive overview of neurological research on autism. It address such questions as:: Is autism a single disorder or a syndrome of multiple diseases? How are autism and Asperger syndrome related? Is autism increasing in prevalence, or is it just that we diagnose it more often? There is an in-depth discussion of the neurological signs and symptoms that can be found in children with autism and Asperger syndrome; these include abnormal cranial circumference,epilepsy, changes of muscle tone, stereotypes and mutism. The Appendix includes a form specifically designed for the neurological examination of patients with autism and Asperger syndrome. The book goes to discuss treatments and their relative success rates, including alternative therapies.
Introduction; A neurological framework; The cerebellum in autism; The cranial circumference in autism; Other neurological signs and symptoms in autism; The epidemiology of autism; Disease entities with a temporary autistic phase; The question of reversible autistic behaviour in autism; The problem of alternative therapies in autism; An integrated approach to therapy;
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