Since becoming commercially available in 1985, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has emerged as an important tool in several areas of neuroscience. Originally envisioned as a way to measure the responsiveness and conduction speed of neurons and synapses in the brain and spinal cord, TMS has also become an important tool for changing the activity of brain neurons and the functions they subserve and an important adjunct to brain imaging and mapping techniques. Along withtranscranial electrical stimulation techniques, TMS has diffused far beyond the borders of clinical neurophysiology and into cognitive, perceptual, behavioural, and therapeutic investigation and attracted a highly diverse group of users and would-be users. This book provides an authoritative review of the scientific and technical background required to understand transcranial stimulation techniques and a wide-ranging survey of their burgeoning application in neurophysiology, perception, cognition, emotion, and clinical practice. Each of its six sections deals with a major area and is edited by an international authority therein. It will serve researchers, clinicians, students, and others as the definitive text in this area for years tocome.
Section I: Physics and Biophysics of TMS; Electromagnetism; TMS waveforms and current direction; TMS stimulator design; TMS stimulation coils; Magnetic field stimulation: the brain as conductor; Lessons learned from magnetic stimulation of physical models and peripheral nerve in-vitro; Direct current brain polarization; Transcranial electrical stimulation and intraoperative neurophysiology of the corticospinal tract; Section II: TMS Measures of Motor Cortical and Corticospinal Excitability: Physiology, Function and Plasticity; The size of motor-evoked potentials: influencing parameters and quantification; The cortical silent period; Paired-pulse measures; Evaluating the interaction between cortical inhibitory and excitatory circuits measured by TMS; Pharmacology of TMS measures; Transcranial stimulation measures explored by epidural spinal cord recordings; TMS measures and voluntary motor function; Changes in TMS measures induced by repetitive TMS; Neuroplasticity induced by transcranial direct current stimulation; Use-dependent changes in TMS measures; Section III: The Motor-evoked Potential in Health and Disease; The MEP in clinical neurodiagnosis; TMS in the perioperative period; TMS in movement disorders; TMS: neurodevelopment and perinatal insults; Using the TMS-induced motor-evoked potential to evaluate the neurophysiology of psychiatric disorders; TMS in migraine; Design and analysis of motor-evoked data in pediatric neurobehavioral disorder investigations; Inter- and intra-individual variation in the response to TMS; Section IV: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Perception and Cognition; TMS and visual awareness; Higher visual cognition: search, neglect, attention, and eye movements; Studies of crossmodal functions with TMS; Motor cognition: TMS studies of action generation; Investigating language organisation with TMS; Higher cognitive functions: memory and reasoning; Mathematics and TMS; Section V: TMS and Brain Mapping; Combining brain imaging with brain stimulation: causality and connectivity; TMS and position emission tomography: methods and current advances; Concurrent TMS and functional magnetic resonance imaging: methods and current advances; TMS and electroencephalography: methods and current advances; Section VI: Therapeutic Applications of TMS; Therapeutic potential of TMS-induced plasticity in the prefrontal cortex; Methodological issues in clinical trial design for TMS; TMS in the treatment of major depressive disorder; TMS in bipolar disorder; TMS clinical trials involving patients with schizophrenia; TMS in the study and treatment of anxiety disorders; Movement disorders; Brain stimulation in neurorehabilitation; TMS and pain;