The distribution of neurological disease - and the resources available for its diagnosis and treatment - is very different in Africa. In addition, many of the diseases encountered, such as konzo, are poorly covered in standard Western textbooks on neurology and, with increased international travel, these conditions may be seen in clinics worldwide. Neurology in Africa is written by William Howlett, a neurologist who has worked in Tanzania for almost twenty years. This book will be invaluable to trainees and practitioners in neurology and internal medicine working in Africa and neurologists travelling to Africa for work-placements. The content is highly practical and written in an easy style with clear, comprehensive explanations. The content covers clinical skills as well as guidance on the diagnosis and management of all the major neurological disorders. The book contains many line drawings, colour photographs, scans, tables and summaries of key points to aid understanding.
Part I. Clinical Skills:: 1. History and examination; 2. Localization; Part II. Neurological Disorders:: 3. Public health; 4. Epilepsy; 5. Stroke; 6. Neurological infections; 7. Protozoal and helminthic infections; 8. Neurological illness in HIV disease; 9. Coma and transient loss of consciousness; 10. Paraplegia non traumatic; 11. Disorders of peripheral nerves; 12. Cranial nerve disorders; 13. Myopathies and myasthenia gravis; 14. Movement disorders and motor neurone disease; 15. Headache and facial pain; 16. Intracranial tumours; 17. Dementia; 18. Inherited neurological disorders; 19. Head and spinal injury; 20. Care in neurology; Index.
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