AANN Core Curriculum for Neuroscience Nursing, 4th Edition, is a comprehensive clinical resource for the practicing neuroscience nurse. It can also be used as a tool for success in achieving the designation of Certified Neuroscience Registered Nurse (CNRN) or as a supplemental text for any undergraduate and graduate nursing student studying to care for patients suffering from neurologic disorders. The book is divided into three parts:: foundations of neuroscience nursing, specific neuroscience topics, and neurologic issues across the continuum.
PART I: FOUNDATIONS OF NEUROSCIENCE NURSING 1. Cellular Physiology of the Nervous System 2. Anatomy of the Nervous System 3. Intracranial Pressure Concepts and Cerebral Blood Flow 4. Neuroendocrine 5. Assessment 6. Neurodiagnostic Tests 7. Technology 8. Perioperative Surgical Considerations
PART II: SPECIFIC NEUROSCIENCE TOPICS 9. Intracranial Pressure Management 10. Hydrocephalus 11. Craniocerebral Trauma 12. Traumatic Spine Injuries 13. Spine Disorders 14. Peripheral Nerve Injuries 15. Nervous System Tumors 16. Cerebrovascular Events of the Nervous System 17. Epilepsy 18. Infectious and Autoimmune Processes 19. Degenerative Disorders 20. Movement Disorders 21. Neuromuscular Disorders of the Nervous System 22. Sleep and Sleep Disorders 23. Pain and Headaches
PART III: NEUROLOGIC ISSUES ACROSS THE CONTINUUM 24. Pediatric and Developmental Anomalies 25. Geriatric Issues 26. Rehabilitation 27. Ethical Considerations in Neuroscience Nursing
Appendix A: Scales for Disease Processes Appendix B: Test-Taking Strategies
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