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In one convenient source, Wyllies Treatment of Epilepsy:: Principles and Practice provides a broad, detailed, and cohesive overview of seizure disorders and contemporary treatment options. For this Fifth Edition, the editors have replaced or significantly revised approximately 30 to 50 percent of the chapters, and have updated all of them. Dr. Wyllie has invited three new editors:: Gregory Cascino, MD, FAAN, at Mayo Clinic, adult epileptologist with special expertise in neuroimaging; Barry Gidal, PharmD, at University of Wisconsin, a pharmacologist with phenomenal expertise in antiepileptic medications; and Howard Goodkin, MD, PhD, a pediatric neurologist at the University of Virginia.
A fully searchable companion website will include the full text online and supplementary material such as seizure videos, additional EEG tracings, and more color illustrations.
Epidemiology & Natural History of Epilepsy:: Epidemiologic Aspects of Epilepsy / Natural History of Seizures & SUDEP
Epileptogenesis, Genetics & Epilepsy Substrates:: Experimental Models of Seizures & Mechanisms of Epileptogenesis / Genetics of the Epilepsies / Pictorial Atlas of Epilepsy Substrates
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF EEG:: Neurophysiologic Basis of the EEG / Localization & Field Determination in EEG / EEG in Diagnosis of Epilepsy / EEG Atlas of Epileptiform Abnormalities
Epileptic Seizures:: Classification of Seizures / Epileptic Auras / Focal Seizures w/Impaired Consciousness / Focal Motor Seizures, Epilepsia Partialis Continua & Supplementary Sensorimotor Seizures / Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures / Absence Seizures / Atypical Absence, Myoclonic, Tonic & Atonic Seizures / Epileptic Spasms
Epilepsy Conditions:: Diagnosis & Treatment:: Classification of the Epilepsies / Idiopathic & Benign Partial Epilepsies of Childhood / Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy Syndromes of Childhood & Adolescence / Progressive & Infantile Myoclonic Epilepsies / Encephalopathic Generalized Epilepsy & Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome / Continuous Spike Wave of Slow Sleep & Landau Kleffner Syndrome / Epilepsy w/Reflex Seizures / Rasmussens Encephalitis (Chronic Focal Encephalitis) / Hippocampal Sclerosis & Dual Pathology / Malformations of Cortical Development / Brain Tumors & Epilepsy / Posttraumatic Epilepsy / Epilepsy in the Setting of Cerebrovascular Disease / ...Neurocutaneous Syndromes / ...Inherited Metabolic & Mitochondrial Disorders
Diagnosis & Treatment of Seizures in Special Clinical Settings:: Neonatal Seizures / Febrile Seizures / Seizures Associated w/Nonneurologic Medical Conditions / Epilepsy in Patients w/Multiple Handicaps / Epilepsy in the Elderly / Status Epilepticus
Differential Diagnosis of Epilepsy:: Psychogenic Nonepileptic Attacks / Other Nonepileptic Paroxysmal Disorders
General Principles of Antiepileptic Drug Therapy:: AED Development & Experimental Models / Pharmacokinetics & Drug Interactions / Initiation & Discontinuation of AEDs / Hormones, Catamenial Epilepsy, Sexual Function & Reproductive Health in Epilepsy / Treatment of Epilepsy During Pregnancy / Bone Health & Fractures in Epilepsy / Treatment of Epilepsy in the Setting of Renal & Liver Disease / Monitoring for Adverse Effects of AEDs / Pharmacogenetics of Antiepileptic Medications
Specific Antiepileptic Medications & Other Therapies:: Carbamazepine & Oxcarbazepine / Valproate / Phenytoin & Fosphenytoin / Phenobarbital & Primidone / Ethosuximide / Benzodiazepines / Gabapentin & Pregabalin / Lamotrigine / Topiramate / Zonisamide / Levetiracetam / Tiagabine / Felbamate / Vigabatrin / Rufinimide / Lacosamide / Adrenocorticotropin & Steroids / Newer Drugs / Less Commonly Used Drugs / The Ketogenic Diet / Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Identifying Surgical Candidates & Defining the Epileptogenic Zone:: Issues of Medical Intractability for Surgical Candidacy / The Epileptogenic Zone / MRI / Video-EEG Monitoring / Nuclear Imaging (PET, SPECT) / Magnetoencephalography / Diffusion Tensor Imaging & EEG-Correlated fMRI
Mapping Eloquent Cortex:: Eloquent Cortex & the Role of Plasticity / Functional MRI / Intracarotid Amobarbital Testing / Intracranial EEG & Localization Studies
Strategies for Epilepsy Surgery:: Temporal Resection / Focal & Multilobar Resection / Hemispherectomy / Multifocal Resections / Nonlesional Cases / Hypothalamic Hamartoma / Corpus Callosotomy & Multiple Subpial Transsections / Special Considerations in Children / Outcome & Complications of Epilepsy Surgery / Electronic Stimulation for Medically Refractory Seizures