This Gold Standard in clinical child neurology presents the entire specialty in the most comprehensive, authoritative, and clearly written fashion. Its clinical focus, along with relevant science, throughout is directed at both the experienced clinician and the physician in training.
Part I: Clinical Evaluation 1. General Aspects of Patient Neurologic History 2. Neurologic Examination of the Older Child 3. Neurologic Examination After the Newborn Period Until 2 Years 4. Neurologic Examination of the Term and Preterm Infant 5. Muscular Tone and Gait Disturbances 6. Visual Loss Associated with Childhood Neurologic Disease 7. Hearing Impairment 8. Vertigo 9. Taste and Smell
Part III: Perinatal Acquired and Congenital Neurologic Disorders 13. Neonatal Seizures 14. Hypoxic-Ischemic Cerebral Injury in the Newborn1 5. Intraventricular Hemorrhage of the Preterm Neonate 16. Perinatal Metabolic Encephalopathies 17. Congenital Structural Defects 18. Microcephaly, Micrencephaly, Megalocephaly, and Megalencephaly 19. Cerebral Palsy 20. Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation
Part IV. Genetic, Metabolic, and Neurocutaneous Disorders 21. Introduction to Genetics 22. Chromosomes and Chromosomal Abnormalities 23. Aminoacidopathies and Organic Acidemias Resulting from Deficiency of Enzyme Activity and Transport Abnormalities 24. Diseases of Ammonia Metabolism 25. Diseases Associated with Primary Abnormalities in Carbohydrate Metabolism 26. Lysosomal Diseases 27. Oxidative Metabolism Disorders 28. Mitochondrial Diseases 29. Peroxisomal Disorders 30. Neurocutaneous Syndromes: Phakomatoses and Allied Conditions
Part V. Neurobehavioral Disorders 31. Global Development Delay and Mental Retardation 32. Intellectual and Motor Regression 33. Speech and Language Disorders 34. Dyslexia 35. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 36. Tourette Syndrome and Its Associated Neurobehavioral Problems 37. Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Part IV. Epilepsy 38. Pediatric Epilepsy: An Overview 39. Neurophysiology of Epilepsy 40. Genetics of Epilepsy 41. Generalized Seizures 42. Partial Seizures 43. Epileptiform Disorders with Cognitive Symptoms 44. Myoclonus and Myoclonic Seizures 45. Febrile Seizures 46. Status Epilepticus 47. Antiepileptic Drug Therapy in Children 48. The Ketogenic Diet 49. Epilepsy Surgery in the Pediatric Population 50. Behavioral, Cognitive, and Social Difficulties in Childhood Epilepsy
Part VII. Non-Epileptiform Paroxysmal Disorders and Disorders of Sleep 51. Headaches 52. Breath-Holding Spells and Reflex Anoxic Seizures5 3. Syncope and Paroxysmal Disorders Other Than Epilepsy 54. Pediatric Sleep Disorders
Part VIII. Disorders of Balance and Movement 55. Cerebellar Dysfunction and Ataxia in Childhood 56. Movement Disorders and Disorders of the Basal Ganglia 57. Pediatric Neurotransmitter Disease
Part IX. Gray and White Matter Degenerative Disorders 58. Degenerative Diseases Primarily of Gray Matter 59. Disorders Primarily Affecting White Matter
Part X. Brain Injury and Disorders of Conciousness 60. Pathophysiology of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy 61. Impairment of Consciousness and Coma 62. Traumatic Brain Injury in Children 63. Nonaccidental Head Injury 64. Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Infants and Older Children 65. Increased Intracranial Pressure 66. Spinal Cord Injury 67. Determination of Brain Death in Infants and Children
Part XI. Infections of the Nervous System 68. Bacterial Infections of the Nervous System 69. Viral Infections of the Nervous System 70. Fungal, Rickettsial, and Parasitic Diseases of the Nervous System
Part XII. Tumors and Vascular Disorders of the Nervous System 71. Tumors of the Brain and Spinal Cord including Leukemic Involvement 72. Cerebrovascular Disease in Children 73. Neurologic Manifestations of Rheumatic Disorders of Childhood
Part XIII. Neuromuscular Disorders 74. Normal Muscle 75. Anterior Horn Cell and Cranial Motor Neuron Disease 76. Peripheral Neuropathies in Childhood 77. Inflammatory Neuropathies in Childhood 78. Neuromuscular Junction Disorders of Childhood 79. Muscular Dystrophies 80. Congenital Myopathies 81. Metabolic Myopathies 82. Inflammatory Myopathies 83. Channelopathies: Myotonic Disorders and Periodic Paralysis
Part XIV. Neuroendocrine and Autonomic Nervous System Disorders 84. Disorders of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland in Adolescence and Childhood 85. Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System 86. Disorders of Micturition and Defecation
Part XV. Systemic Diseases and Their Effect on the Nervous System 87. Poisoning and Drug-Induced Neurologic Diseases 88. Neurologic Disorders Associated with Cardiac Disease 89. Interrelationships between Renal and Neurologic Disease and Therapies 90. Neurologic Disorders Associated with Gastrointestinal Diseases, Nutritional Deficiencies, and Fluid-Electrolyte Disorders 91. Neurologic Complications of Immunization
Part XVI. General Management Principles 92. Pediatric Neurorehabilitation Medicine 93. Pain and Palliative care Management 94. Ethical Issues in Child Neurology 95. Neuropsychopharmacology
Part XVI. Child Neurology Resources 96. The Internet and Its Resources for the Child Neurologist 97. Resource Guide for Child Neurologists